In the last 15 years Equipped4More more has helped thousands of men and women lose hundreds of pounds and gain wisdom, clarity and direction for their lives through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Founded on the scripture that says you are thoroughly equipped for every good work, we base everything we do on the unchanging word of God! Through many changes and transformations our vision has remained the same; seek God with everything that is in you, rely not on your flesh, and submit everything that you are to Him and he will lead you down a path of success in health, wellness and weight loss. Our mindset says God I can’t, but you can!
We now believe that we are in a season where the tools and strategies we share are not just a supplement to a wellness program but a vital aspect of every Christian’s life. You were bought with a price and you house the Holy Spirit in this temple that you call a body , we have a mandate, not just a mission to spread the truth about weight loss and wellness. No pill, meal plan, or anything else can do what the Lord wants to do in your life! Are you ready to help us equip the world for more? Partner with us today and let’s transform the way the world looks at weight loss and wellness! Forever!