Run Your Race
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
Hebrews 12:1
Take a stroll down memory lane with me. It's the morning of Monday, October 24th, 2021, and I sit down to write...
My weekend was so full. Full of activity and full of emotions. My son has run his last XC race of his high school career. Defending his state title for the 3rd year and positioned to bring home two prestigious awards; Mr. Cross Country and a team state title in Cross Country, (neither of which his school has ever seen).
So many emotions; nerves, sadness, excitement, anticipation.
It makes me want to just nibble on everything in sight.
Keep my hands busy, so the tears don't flow.
Eat so I won't be so nervous.
Graze to keep my mind off of how nervous my husband (the coach) and son must be.
Fast forward six hours into the day and it is all but a memory. The Mr. Cross Country Title is his. He won the race, possibly with a PR (personal record). And his team is taking home the very first state championship for their school in this sport. The fans are gone. His high school cross country career has ended. So many emotions; sadness, pure joy, happiness, pride and a little more sadness.
Again, it all makes me want to eat.
The joy of watching him receive the accolades he has worked so hard for.
I want to celebrate with food.
The excitement of what he has accomplished,
I just want to eat.
But something gives me pause. It is a whisper in my heart. A still small voice, you might say,
"Tell ME about it Julie. I want to hear your heart."
It was God. He was knocking. He was gently asking to be invited in. To share in the joy, the sadness, the tears.
Every part of my emotional day, He was desiring to be part of it all.
So often in my life, all the emotions I have ever dealt with found their solace in food.
I'm sad; I eat.
I'm happy; I eat.
I'm stressed; I eat.
I'm tired; I eat.
I'm mad; I eat.
But on this day, I chose something different. As we were riding on the bus after everything was over, I found myself looking out the window and thanking God. Thanking Him for all the wonderful lessons He has taught me over the years. His patience with me when I chose to run to food instead of Him. His endless mercies and constantly providing "exceedingly, abundantly" far and above what I have asked. It was Him who was really there these last seventeen years as my husband and I have watched this sweet, vibrant little boy grow into the most amazing young man I have ever known.
The tears I cried? It was God, not chocolate who provided the greatest comfort.
The joy I experienced? It was God, not ice cream who shared in my joy.
Just as quickly as the farmland passed as we drove down interstate 75 through the beautiful fall landscape in this great state of Kentucky, memories flooded my mind. God gently and so sweetly brought to mind so many struggles, and victories that have brought us to the very place we are.
I've learned over the years that eating your emotions will rob your of the comfort and insight that come from the Lord during times of struggle and times of celebration.
Conversations with God, and listening to His still small voice will make sense of your feelings.
Choosing to let God speak to my heart on that bus ride home instead of snacking, grazing, and stuffing down my feelings allowed me to experience all the emotions in a precious way that truly reminded me that everything really does work out for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
I will never forget it.
Be encouraged to pause throughout your day today and listen for that still small voice. Allow God to make sense of all your emotions before you turn to food and stuffing them down. He wants to show you too, that even in your race, He is working it all out for you to find victory! Especially in your weight loss journey.
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
Thank You for showing me what emotional eating really does. God, there are times I want to stuff down feelings. Today I realize that You long to take ALL my feelings and experiences and use them for my good. Help me today to pause throughout the day and listen to Your still small voice. I want to experience the comfort and clarity You bring to all my situations.
Thank You God for reminding me that I can come to You about everything, and that You want to be a part of everything I do. I love You!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy
Run Your Race
It may feel like a four letter word, but exercise can really benefit your weight loss journey. It may be hard to get motivated from just a weight loss perspective, so be blessed to know how exercise can benefit you in other ways too.
Check out these four fabulous ways.
1. Reduces your risk of heart disease. Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart disease, hight cholesterol and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels. All leading to fewer meds and fewer trips to the doctor!
2. Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Exercise can lower your blood sugar levels and help your insulin work better. This can cut down your risk for metabolic syndrome and Type. 2 Diabetes (both of which make it harder to lose weight). A little exercise goes a long way!
3. Improve your mental health and mood. During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of depression. Exercise is great for the mood! So, go ahead and go for a long walk. Your loved ones will thank you later!
4. Strengthen your bones and muscles. Regular exercise can slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength.
Hebrews 12:1
Take a stroll down memory lane with me. It's the morning of Monday, October 24th, 2021, and I sit down to write...
My weekend was so full. Full of activity and full of emotions. My son has run his last XC race of his high school career. Defending his state title for the 3rd year and positioned to bring home two prestigious awards; Mr. Cross Country and a team state title in Cross Country, (neither of which his school has ever seen).
So many emotions; nerves, sadness, excitement, anticipation.
It makes me want to just nibble on everything in sight.
Keep my hands busy, so the tears don't flow.
Eat so I won't be so nervous.
Graze to keep my mind off of how nervous my husband (the coach) and son must be.
Fast forward six hours into the day and it is all but a memory. The Mr. Cross Country Title is his. He won the race, possibly with a PR (personal record). And his team is taking home the very first state championship for their school in this sport. The fans are gone. His high school cross country career has ended. So many emotions; sadness, pure joy, happiness, pride and a little more sadness.
Again, it all makes me want to eat.
The joy of watching him receive the accolades he has worked so hard for.
I want to celebrate with food.
The excitement of what he has accomplished,
I just want to eat.
But something gives me pause. It is a whisper in my heart. A still small voice, you might say,
"Tell ME about it Julie. I want to hear your heart."
It was God. He was knocking. He was gently asking to be invited in. To share in the joy, the sadness, the tears.
Every part of my emotional day, He was desiring to be part of it all.
So often in my life, all the emotions I have ever dealt with found their solace in food.
I'm sad; I eat.
I'm happy; I eat.
I'm stressed; I eat.
I'm tired; I eat.
I'm mad; I eat.
But on this day, I chose something different. As we were riding on the bus after everything was over, I found myself looking out the window and thanking God. Thanking Him for all the wonderful lessons He has taught me over the years. His patience with me when I chose to run to food instead of Him. His endless mercies and constantly providing "exceedingly, abundantly" far and above what I have asked. It was Him who was really there these last seventeen years as my husband and I have watched this sweet, vibrant little boy grow into the most amazing young man I have ever known.
The tears I cried? It was God, not chocolate who provided the greatest comfort.
The joy I experienced? It was God, not ice cream who shared in my joy.
Just as quickly as the farmland passed as we drove down interstate 75 through the beautiful fall landscape in this great state of Kentucky, memories flooded my mind. God gently and so sweetly brought to mind so many struggles, and victories that have brought us to the very place we are.
I've learned over the years that eating your emotions will rob your of the comfort and insight that come from the Lord during times of struggle and times of celebration.
Conversations with God, and listening to His still small voice will make sense of your feelings.
Choosing to let God speak to my heart on that bus ride home instead of snacking, grazing, and stuffing down my feelings allowed me to experience all the emotions in a precious way that truly reminded me that everything really does work out for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.
I will never forget it.
Be encouraged to pause throughout your day today and listen for that still small voice. Allow God to make sense of all your emotions before you turn to food and stuffing them down. He wants to show you too, that even in your race, He is working it all out for you to find victory! Especially in your weight loss journey.
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
Thank You for showing me what emotional eating really does. God, there are times I want to stuff down feelings. Today I realize that You long to take ALL my feelings and experiences and use them for my good. Help me today to pause throughout the day and listen to Your still small voice. I want to experience the comfort and clarity You bring to all my situations.
Thank You God for reminding me that I can come to You about everything, and that You want to be a part of everything I do. I love You!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy
Run Your Race
It may feel like a four letter word, but exercise can really benefit your weight loss journey. It may be hard to get motivated from just a weight loss perspective, so be blessed to know how exercise can benefit you in other ways too.
Check out these four fabulous ways.
1. Reduces your risk of heart disease. Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart disease, hight cholesterol and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels. All leading to fewer meds and fewer trips to the doctor!
2. Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Exercise can lower your blood sugar levels and help your insulin work better. This can cut down your risk for metabolic syndrome and Type. 2 Diabetes (both of which make it harder to lose weight). A little exercise goes a long way!
3. Improve your mental health and mood. During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of depression. Exercise is great for the mood! So, go ahead and go for a long walk. Your loved ones will thank you later!
4. Strengthen your bones and muscles. Regular exercise can slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength.
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world! Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth; "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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You can help us continue to bless and encourage others. Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
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Run Your RaceCooperate PleaseNoise Noise NoiseDon't Do What Peter DidNew People Do New ThingsThe Lord REALLY is your strengthTime To RenovateDo You Need Some Good NewsThere is Something You Need to KnowIt's Not an OptionShow Up To ScoreYou're Scrolling in the Wrong PlaceWhat Do You Need To Hear TodayAre You Hanging on by a Thread?Let's Get TogetherDon't Stop NowThoughts from a Thanksgiving OutreachQuit Going in CirclesI've Got So Many Things to Thank Him ForBecause Mama Said So
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