Equipped4More Ministries

The Lord Will

The Lord gives strength to His people.  He blesses them with peace."
Psalm 29:11

The Bible holds so many promises from the Lord, and not one of His promises has failed to come to pass.  Did you know that these promises are relevant and real for your wellness journey too?
 Precious friend, as you continue in your journey day by day, may you always remember that the Lord has already paved the way for your success, but He never intended for you to "go this alone."
 He WILL be your strength and peace when you need Him.  Get excited about the fact that you don't have to be strong all the time, and always remember:
When it gets to be too much, He will provide you peace.  
When it gets to be too confusing, He will provide direction.  
And when it gets to be too hard, He will be your strength.  
Be blessed, this journey is different now that He is at the center of it all, and He WILL see you through to success!
Repeat after me,
"The Lord Will!"
Dear God,
I am so grateful that I am not in this alone.  In the past I gave up when it got too hard.  Not this time, Lord!  And I have You to thank.  I am committed to obedience this time, and telling the world what my God has done!  Thank you God for loving me enough to be my strength, giving me peace and direction everyday!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

The Lord Will!

Here are some of the amazing things The Lord Will do for you when you surrender this journey to him!

1. THE LORD WILL redirect the thoughts you have about food providing you comfort, to Him providing you comfort!

2.  THE LORD WILL help you avoid temptations, without you even realizing it!

3. THE LORD WILL draw you closer to Him (not food) in times of need!

4. AND, THE LORD WILL lead you to lasting weight loss success!

Get ready!  
This journey is different from anything you have ever done!  
You are truly experiencing a revolution in weight loss and wellness!
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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And thank you!  
We could not do this without YOU!

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