Equipped4More Ministries

Fasting Diary Day Five

""Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new."
2 Corinthians 5:17

I am feeling more energetic with each passing day. Realising that the food I am feeding my body is the food I was designed to eat. The last two night's I slept really well, and yesterday I even went to my mom's and shoveled her driveway for about an hour. To my amazement, I am not sore today! I honestly believe that the vitamins and nutrients, along with the excellent protein  in the foods I am eating are the reason!
I am starting to feel like a creation!
We had our Wednesday night class last night at church and it was so good to be back. It's so exciting to see so many people fasting together. All with one unified desire:
TO DRAW CLOSER TO GOD, and be more like HIM!
It's hard to even imagine how God is going to move through His people as a result of their desire to be obedient and unified!
I am full of anticipation!

I hope you are encouraged today too! Knowing you are not alone and that God is going to do something amazing in your life as you consecrate and crucify your flesh!

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