Equipped4More Ministries

Fasting Diary Day Six

"Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy." 
Ephesians 4:24

My sleep is definitely improving. I can tell my sleep is more rested, and I am waking up with more energy.  I pray I remember these positive effects when the fast is over and I continue with these healthier eating habits. My husband shared with me last night that he is not experiencing any signs of acid reflux. We have seen this so many times with him. Every time we move to more whole foods, it disappears within days. Knowing that acid reflux can lead to severe esophegial problems, it frustrates me that doctors are so quick to push meds over meal plans!
Our Bible study was so good too! Just being able to talk about the fast and share tips, resources and recipes is so fun and encouraging! Everyday I am encouraged by the sheer number of people fasting together to draw closer to God! I know God is up to something in this fast!

I hope you know it too! If you missed Bible study, you can watch it here. More than anything, be encouraged to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are fasting with you!

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