Noise Noise Noise
"Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for He is aroused from His holy habitation!”
Zechariah 2:13
Over the past few days, I made a commitment to God that I would not pick up my phone before spending time reading my Bible and in communion with Him. I have often committed to refraining from social media before praying, but in recent days, mere text messages and updates have created a chaos and noise in my head that has usurped my dedicated time in the Word and hearing from God.
The devil is so sneaky.
This morning as I walked around the island in my kitchen and through my prayer room, prayer jar in hand, I found myself having trouble focusing. Just two minutes into prayer (as noted by the clock on the stove) I found myself struggling to pray. My mind abuzz with election results and to-do lists and so on and so forth.
I became so distracted I had to stop and apologise to God. Apologise, that much like the disciples I couldn't even remain focused long enough to pray.
Yet, forty minutes can go by as I feverishly scroll Instagram and Facebook, followed up by searching for the perfect pic to post regarding the latest news in my life. Scrambling for just the right caption to post. But I cannot dedicate a mere 10 minutes of uninterrupted time with the Lord?
And I wonder why my brain feels so scattered and anxious throughout the day?
Does this sound like you?
Friend, can I tell you if it does, I encourage you to stop right now. Wherever you are, stop and turn your attention to the Lord. Just like you tap to open up an app on your, turn and open up your heart to Him.
Ask Him to remove the noise in your head that is causing the distractions. Distractions which more than likely turn into anxiety and frustration.
Invite Him in to remove the tension in your shoulders and in your mind.
Stop and pray right now. The Bible says,
"Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
Are you burdened by your situations?
By your weight loss journey?
By the election results?
God promises rest for the weary and a lightening of your load.
But don't miss the first phrase in that scripture,
"Come to me."
Will you go to Him today?
Eliminate the noise. Put a stop to the chaos. Find rest for your weary soul, by finding a seat at the feet of Jesus.
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am desperate to stop the noise in my head. The chaos and the battles. I know from past experience that they will all lead to eating and stuffing down my feelings if I don't put a stop to them now. I am committed God to bringing these strong feelings to You. Help me today to spend dedicated time listening for Your still small voice. Resting in Your promises. Focusing on Your word. Always, I will give You glory, honor and praise.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy
Noise, Noise, Noise
The Word of God is our refuge to drown out the noise of this world. Be encouraged by how God wants to use His Word to give you rest in the following ways.
The gospel is your life line:
It reminds us that although we live in a fallen world, God came to redeem the world and to give us life abundant. Read John 10:10. On the lines below, describe what God has come to do for you.
God did not design you (or your brain) to be "ON" 24/7:
He designed us to Be Still and Know. To ‘Be Stil'l in the biblical sense is to rest in God’s presence. Cease striving and stop fighting. It means to acknowledge who our God is what He wants to do in your life. Everyday we should designate time to be still before God.
How would your day change if you were to "Be Still" in the biblical sense?
Prioritize your time with God and listen to what He says about what your body really needs:
Rest, exercise, getting adequate sleep, and eating foods that promote health and energy.
This is how we calm the noise in our lives.
Based on the above, what things do you need to change or improve to calm the noise in your life?
In what areas do you find yourself fighting the "loudest noise" in your life?
(job stress, family, weight loss, etc.")
Write out a prayer (so you can refer back to it) asking God to remove this noise and teach you how to seek Him above all else for rest and peace.
Zechariah 2:13
Over the past few days, I made a commitment to God that I would not pick up my phone before spending time reading my Bible and in communion with Him. I have often committed to refraining from social media before praying, but in recent days, mere text messages and updates have created a chaos and noise in my head that has usurped my dedicated time in the Word and hearing from God.
The devil is so sneaky.
This morning as I walked around the island in my kitchen and through my prayer room, prayer jar in hand, I found myself having trouble focusing. Just two minutes into prayer (as noted by the clock on the stove) I found myself struggling to pray. My mind abuzz with election results and to-do lists and so on and so forth.
I became so distracted I had to stop and apologise to God. Apologise, that much like the disciples I couldn't even remain focused long enough to pray.
Yet, forty minutes can go by as I feverishly scroll Instagram and Facebook, followed up by searching for the perfect pic to post regarding the latest news in my life. Scrambling for just the right caption to post. But I cannot dedicate a mere 10 minutes of uninterrupted time with the Lord?
And I wonder why my brain feels so scattered and anxious throughout the day?
Does this sound like you?
Friend, can I tell you if it does, I encourage you to stop right now. Wherever you are, stop and turn your attention to the Lord. Just like you tap to open up an app on your, turn and open up your heart to Him.
Ask Him to remove the noise in your head that is causing the distractions. Distractions which more than likely turn into anxiety and frustration.
Invite Him in to remove the tension in your shoulders and in your mind.
Stop and pray right now. The Bible says,
"Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
Are you burdened by your situations?
By your weight loss journey?
By the election results?
God promises rest for the weary and a lightening of your load.
But don't miss the first phrase in that scripture,
"Come to me."
Will you go to Him today?
Eliminate the noise. Put a stop to the chaos. Find rest for your weary soul, by finding a seat at the feet of Jesus.
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am desperate to stop the noise in my head. The chaos and the battles. I know from past experience that they will all lead to eating and stuffing down my feelings if I don't put a stop to them now. I am committed God to bringing these strong feelings to You. Help me today to spend dedicated time listening for Your still small voice. Resting in Your promises. Focusing on Your word. Always, I will give You glory, honor and praise.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy
Noise, Noise, Noise
The Word of God is our refuge to drown out the noise of this world. Be encouraged by how God wants to use His Word to give you rest in the following ways.
The gospel is your life line:
It reminds us that although we live in a fallen world, God came to redeem the world and to give us life abundant. Read John 10:10. On the lines below, describe what God has come to do for you.
God did not design you (or your brain) to be "ON" 24/7:
He designed us to Be Still and Know. To ‘Be Stil'l in the biblical sense is to rest in God’s presence. Cease striving and stop fighting. It means to acknowledge who our God is what He wants to do in your life. Everyday we should designate time to be still before God.
How would your day change if you were to "Be Still" in the biblical sense?
Prioritize your time with God and listen to what He says about what your body really needs:
Rest, exercise, getting adequate sleep, and eating foods that promote health and energy.
This is how we calm the noise in our lives.
Based on the above, what things do you need to change or improve to calm the noise in your life?
In what areas do you find yourself fighting the "loudest noise" in your life?
(job stress, family, weight loss, etc.")
Write out a prayer (so you can refer back to it) asking God to remove this noise and teach you how to seek Him above all else for rest and peace.
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
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