New People Do New Things
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
2 Corinthians 5:17
I think the processed/fast food generation is finally catching up to us.
And and our tummies, hips and thighs too.
(Not to mention, our wallets.)
We live in a generation that wants everything and we want it now. From food, to clothes to cars and anything else our little hearts desire. Work for it? Are you kidding, why should we save up and buy later when we can have it now? And worry about it later.
Well, we've got it. Right down to the increased debt we're carrying along with the extra pounds. And what do we get with that Big Mac and fries that we paid for with our credit card?
A little added stress, and a couple extra pounds. That is all.
Fast forward one year and here we are; 25 lbs. heavier, more in debt and wondering why we have issues with anxiety, stress and weight?
So what’s the connection between credit cards and weight gain? Like the credit card we use too often, most people are not fully realizing the harmful effects of what we're eating on a daily basis. And like credit, the world promotes overeating. That is, until it's too late and we are so overwhelmed we don't know what to do.
How in the world did we get here? We think we're eating pretty healthy right? So why are we not losing weight? We eat fruits and vegetables. So why are we always tired?
After digging for a little knowledge on the stages of processing that some foods go through before they hit the shelves, you might be shocked, but also a little more enlightened.
Did you know that the same bleach you use to wash your clothes is the same bleach used to bleach flour? And, during the processing of flour, the muscle building protein and satiating fiber in the wheat is removed to make the flour easier to bake with, leaving you with little or no nutritional benefits.
That could explain why you're starving just 20 minutes after eating a stack of pancakes at Ihop.
It's not just about the flour either. Think about this. Your body requires only 1500- 2000 mg of sodium everyday, but a Turkey Burger at Ruby Tuesday's packs in more than 2500mg. One burger.
Knowledge is so powerful. And the saying really is true,
"We are what we eat."
But what are our options? Do we use the white flour that is presumably faster and easier to work with, yet has very little health promoting nutrients? Do we consume the sodium packed burger just because it's faster and easier to eat out? Even though it will leave us feeling bloated for days? (To be honest, I'm not sure we can use the argument of eating out being faster and easier. Have you eaten out lately?
Nothing fast or easy about it these days, in my opinion.
So, do we try something new? Try new, healthy recipes for whole wheat pancakes, that we can whip up with our kids in just a few minutes and teach them a lesson or two in nutrition and cooking. (We can do this with our spouses and Bff's too.) Do we spend time at home and grill up a juicy burger with the ground turkey that we bought fresh and save the $15 that we don't need to put on the credit card anyway?
The latter definitely sounds more fun to me.
And saves stress and anxiety about finances too.
Be encouraged today to try something new. Knowing that when you do, you're creating habits and traditions that will impact your waistline, your wallet, and the little world around you!
Because, New People Do New Things!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
It is true. I am so impatient in my weight loss journey. Help me God to embrace the changes and try new things today. It's so easy to just go through the drive thru when I am so busy. Help me to realize that preparing food at home and spending time with my family doesn't just benefit my weight loss, but my entire world. Thank You God for showing me that my weight loss is improving the world around me.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy
Is Your Credit Card Your Problem
Below are fun ways to save this week and still promote weight loss!
1. Pack your lunch. Invest in a fun new water bottle and lunchbox. Both are likely to cost less than eating out just one time. And, you have new motivation to drink water!
2. Plan an Eat In night. A typical dinner in a nice restaurant averages $15-$20. Invest that same cash in a nice cut of salmon or steak, with a baked potato and broccoli on the side. Preparing food at home saves on sodium and $$. Not to mention when you get the whole gang involved, it becomes an event!
3. Take more walks throughout the day. Walks clear you mind and help you make better choices, giving you energy and motivation. Make an effort to get out of the office or house for 5-10 minutes several times throughout the day. Your body and mind will thank you later.
4. What else can you do to save money and promote healthier habits in your home this week?
(If you're part of our E4M family, share your ideas in our Family Room on the app!)
2 Corinthians 5:17
I think the processed/fast food generation is finally catching up to us.
And and our tummies, hips and thighs too.
(Not to mention, our wallets.)
We live in a generation that wants everything and we want it now. From food, to clothes to cars and anything else our little hearts desire. Work for it? Are you kidding, why should we save up and buy later when we can have it now? And worry about it later.
Well, we've got it. Right down to the increased debt we're carrying along with the extra pounds. And what do we get with that Big Mac and fries that we paid for with our credit card?
A little added stress, and a couple extra pounds. That is all.
Fast forward one year and here we are; 25 lbs. heavier, more in debt and wondering why we have issues with anxiety, stress and weight?
So what’s the connection between credit cards and weight gain? Like the credit card we use too often, most people are not fully realizing the harmful effects of what we're eating on a daily basis. And like credit, the world promotes overeating. That is, until it's too late and we are so overwhelmed we don't know what to do.
How in the world did we get here? We think we're eating pretty healthy right? So why are we not losing weight? We eat fruits and vegetables. So why are we always tired?
After digging for a little knowledge on the stages of processing that some foods go through before they hit the shelves, you might be shocked, but also a little more enlightened.
Did you know that the same bleach you use to wash your clothes is the same bleach used to bleach flour? And, during the processing of flour, the muscle building protein and satiating fiber in the wheat is removed to make the flour easier to bake with, leaving you with little or no nutritional benefits.
That could explain why you're starving just 20 minutes after eating a stack of pancakes at Ihop.
It's not just about the flour either. Think about this. Your body requires only 1500- 2000 mg of sodium everyday, but a Turkey Burger at Ruby Tuesday's packs in more than 2500mg. One burger.
Knowledge is so powerful. And the saying really is true,
"We are what we eat."
But what are our options? Do we use the white flour that is presumably faster and easier to work with, yet has very little health promoting nutrients? Do we consume the sodium packed burger just because it's faster and easier to eat out? Even though it will leave us feeling bloated for days? (To be honest, I'm not sure we can use the argument of eating out being faster and easier. Have you eaten out lately?
Nothing fast or easy about it these days, in my opinion.
So, do we try something new? Try new, healthy recipes for whole wheat pancakes, that we can whip up with our kids in just a few minutes and teach them a lesson or two in nutrition and cooking. (We can do this with our spouses and Bff's too.) Do we spend time at home and grill up a juicy burger with the ground turkey that we bought fresh and save the $15 that we don't need to put on the credit card anyway?
The latter definitely sounds more fun to me.
And saves stress and anxiety about finances too.
Be encouraged today to try something new. Knowing that when you do, you're creating habits and traditions that will impact your waistline, your wallet, and the little world around you!
Because, New People Do New Things!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
It is true. I am so impatient in my weight loss journey. Help me God to embrace the changes and try new things today. It's so easy to just go through the drive thru when I am so busy. Help me to realize that preparing food at home and spending time with my family doesn't just benefit my weight loss, but my entire world. Thank You God for showing me that my weight loss is improving the world around me.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
I'd love to continue this journey with you through my first published devotion:
Your 40 Day Miracle
Get your copy
Is Your Credit Card Your Problem
Below are fun ways to save this week and still promote weight loss!
1. Pack your lunch. Invest in a fun new water bottle and lunchbox. Both are likely to cost less than eating out just one time. And, you have new motivation to drink water!
2. Plan an Eat In night. A typical dinner in a nice restaurant averages $15-$20. Invest that same cash in a nice cut of salmon or steak, with a baked potato and broccoli on the side. Preparing food at home saves on sodium and $$. Not to mention when you get the whole gang involved, it becomes an event!
3. Take more walks throughout the day. Walks clear you mind and help you make better choices, giving you energy and motivation. Make an effort to get out of the office or house for 5-10 minutes several times throughout the day. Your body and mind will thank you later.
4. What else can you do to save money and promote healthier habits in your home this week?
(If you're part of our E4M family, share your ideas in our Family Room on the app!)
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
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