Let's Get Together
Don't forget the strategy at the bottom!
We want to help you actively practice what you are reading today!
Let God move mightily in your life!
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.”
Acts 2:1
In several instances in the Bible, the Holy Spirit descended on a group of people and blessed them, giving them the utterance to speak in other tongues and to go forth with boldness.
As seen in Acts 2:1 (above) and in Acts 4:24, there seemed to be a condition with which the Holy Spirit appeared.
"So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said; 'Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them."
Just a few short verses later we see the result of this prayer:
"And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke the word of God with boldness."
Acts 4:31
The definition of one accord is to do something at the same time with the same goal in mind.
When I think about being in one accord, I think about being in fellowship together in church.
The goal of all believers in coming to church is to worship God. We come to give Him praise for all He is doing in our lives, and to intercede for those who need a miracle.
Yet, how often do my frustrations and fears get in the way of my worship; in the middle of a service?
The revelation here is powerful. Not only am I hindering the work of God in my life when I allow the worries and cares of this world to disrupt my worship.
I am "quenching the Holy Spirit", and hindering His work in the lives of those around me.
Friend, let's not miss this today. Satan distracts and frustrates you as your walking through the doors on Sunday morning because he has witnessed the power of "one accord" before.
It has resulted in a mass uprising of Christians and literally flipping the world upside down.
Otherwise known as the beginning of the early church.
We are on the verge of that today.
But we must be in one accord when we come together.
Our agenda in fellowship, our mindset when we walk through the church doors, or turn the television on to unite virtually is sacred.
We must get on the same page, and have the same goal.
We came to worship the king.
We came to magnify His name.
And we came to lift Him up.
And in return, He comes to save us. And to give us a life that is abundant and far exceeds our expections and prayers.
Let's get together this weekend.
When you are in worship virtually or in person,
remember we are in one accord!
Let's Pray.
✨We encourage you to pray the prayer aloud! ✨
Dear God,
I long to let go of the cares of this world when I enter into worship with You. It seems as though Satan works overtime to keep me from uniting in worship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me to remember this weekend that when we are in one accord in our worship and praise to You, the Holy Spirit will move. And with that comes boldness and new levels of faith! Thank You God for this mighty revelation. I am excited to usher in Your power over my life, and the lives of the those I love!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Let's Get Together
Take a look at what else the Holy Spirit will do in your life.
The four verses below explain:
1. "Jesus told his disciples, “the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."
John 14:26
The Holy Spirit teaches us, and helps us remember all the things God wants us to know about living a fruitful Christian life. Like a good parent or mentor in our lives, we need the Holy Spirit.
2. And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment."
John 16:7, 8
The Holy Spirit helps us discern what is right and wrong. We live in an era where there is far too much gray, and not enough black and white.
The Holy Spirit helps us discern the gray areas.
3. “These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except for their own spirit within them? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10, 11.
The Holy Spirit teaches us the things of God.
3. “These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except for their own spirit within them? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10, 11.
The Holy Spirit teaches us the things of God.
We need the presence of the Holy Spirit to go deeper with God.
4. "Jesus told his disciples, 'But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts. 1:8
The Holy Spirit gives us power. We are in desperate need of power to fight the darkness of this sin filled world.
The next time you walk through the doors of your church; whether for Wednesday night service, Sunday Morning or weekly small, commit to letting go of the cares and frustrations of this world. Be intentional about being in one accord with your brothers and sisters in Christ!
Let's Get Together!
4. "Jesus told his disciples, 'But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts. 1:8
The Holy Spirit gives us power. We are in desperate need of power to fight the darkness of this sin filled world.
The next time you walk through the doors of your church; whether for Wednesday night service, Sunday Morning or weekly small, commit to letting go of the cares and frustrations of this world. Be intentional about being in one accord with your brothers and sisters in Christ!
Let's Get Together!
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I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
Have you ordered your copy of Your 40 Day Miracle yet?
It's time for transformation!
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I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
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