Thoughts from a Thanksgiving Outreach
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"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up."
James 4:10
One of my favorite ministry opportunities at our church is our annual Thanksgiving outreach. During Covid we began a drive-thru pick up of sorts. On the day of the outreach, families in need pull into the parking lot, pick up their groceries, and one by one we we offer to pray over their holidays and any other needs they might have. At first, many volunteers (including yours truly) were skeptical. How would this translate? Would it feel as personal? Would people show up?
Well, can I tell you that our Thanksgiving outreach moving from a door to door delivery to drive thru pick up is one of the most glowing examples of "what the devil meant for evil, God will make it good" examples I have ever witnessed.
Year after year this outreach grows in volunteers and those needing assistance. Without the drive thru we could never deliver 1000+ meals to families from all over the tri-state.
Countless times, we witness tears almost instantaneously when we ask if we can pray. Not once did someone say,
"No, we're good. The food is enough."
In my personal experience, each and every person, gladly accepts the prayers, and humbly bowing their heads allowing God to speak to their hearts. Over the years, I have witnessed men grabbing their wive's hands, and mother's lovingly looking at children in the car as if to say,
"See, we are going to be o.k." as we finished praying.
Every year, as the day goes on, it becomes so obvious that what we thought was a primary need we were filling in giving the food, was really secondary. Our brothers and sisters in Christ were coming to get needs met, but it was about so much more than food.
Our needs in weight loss are about so much more than food, too. We think it's about the meal plan, but truly it is so much more. Fears, anxieties. Pain and hurt. Food didn't cause them, and food won't take them away. They are wounds and voids that only God can fill.
Yesterday was a beautiful reminder that when I seek God to fulfill my needs in every area of my life, He goes above and beyond. Wildly exceeding my expectations. I pray that was the case for every car that pulled into our church's parking lot yesterday. What they thought could be fixed with food, was forever changed by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Allow the beauty of a Thanksgiving outreach to rejuvenate your weary, weight loss soul today. Reminding you that you have come to the right place, and God is going ensure that you are provided for. He will not only meet your needs in weight loss, but take you to new levels with Him in your daily walk.
Just as those precious people did not say no to our prayers, do not say no to what God wants to do in your weight loss journey today. The Bible says that when we humble ourselves before Him, He will lift us up. (James 4:10, above.) Humble yourself before His throne. Submit to His will. Bow your head and receive what He wants to provide. Peace, joy, happiness and direction. All in the form of a healthy lifestyle.
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I know that my weight loss is about so much more than the food. I am realizing more and more that I am not submitting to You on a daily basis, I am submitting to the food. I must show up, bow my head and receive what You want to give me today. Help me Lord to constantly be in Your will in my weight loss journey. I know I'm missing so much of what You want to do in my life when I refuse to submit to Your will. Today is a new day. I will seek joy, peace, happiness and direction through You, and not food.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Are You Receiving What God Wants To Give?
How do we receive all that God wants to give us? By getting into a submissive state both physically and mentally. Humble yourself by submitting to God physically and mentally. Then get ready! God is about to exalt you!
1. Pray submissively: Ask God for His will over yours in your prayer time. Trust that He knows what is best for you and your weight loss journey. Consider praying in a physically submissive position; on your knees, or lying face down. Submissive positioning opens the heart and mind.
2. Read the Word submissively: Ask God to reveal His truth to You in your reading time. God speaks through His Word. Every time you open your Bible, expect to hear a personal word from God.
3. Eat submissively: Ask God to humble you in your eating, allowing you to eat things that please Him and promote weight loss and healthy living.
4. Shop submissively: Never underestimate the power of prayer before and during shopping. Ask God to help you make purchases that allow you to stay on track with your healthy eating. The devil is always looking for a way to tempt and trick you. Resist him in your shopping, through prayer and as the Bible says, "He will flee." James 4:7
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I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
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"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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