Equipped4More Ministries

The Gift That Money Can't Buy

Don't forget the strategy at the bottom!
We want to help you actively practice what you are reading today!  
Let God move mightily in your life!

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It's time for transformation!  Get yours today!

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving.  It’s the one word that describes the holidays for sure.  We certainly find ourselves giving material gifts this time of year. But we also give in other ways too.  Time, food, and love, are all ways we find ourselves giving to our loved ones and even strangers throughout the holidays.
This month, I want to encourage you to give in another way.
"Begin to give to others this month by being good to yourself."
It's a radical concept, for sure.  Focusing on yourself is NOT something you are likely used to doing.  Especially around the holidays.
But that lack of focus on yourself is a major contributor to your struggles with your weight.  Putting yourself at the end of you to-do list and last in your hierarchy of priorities, makes it extremely difficult to stay engaged in your weight loss plan.  And it also makes it difficult to be truly engaged in the holidays with your loved ones too.  Being the joyful Christmas elf they wish you would be is next to impossible when you don't feel good in your own skin.

Yet, when you begin to strengthen your relationship with God and improve your health, you are not just getting better for yourself, but you are giving a precious gift that money cannot buy: a better you.  Can you think of a better gift for you spouse, children or best friend this holiday season?  

It all starts with spending time in the precious word of God, and pouring out your heart to the One that can change you forever.  Tell Him where you struggle, and all about your heart's desires to lose weight and feel better.  
He cares, and He wants to help.  
Make a plan.  
Set goals in the areas that mean the most:
Share on paper what you want to accomplish in these areas.  Know that when you write it down, it makes it real.  As you take an active role here, along with watching strategy videos, engaging with your E4M family and praying together during corporate prayer, the Holy Spirit will begin to work in you to transform you into the beautiful creature in Christ you were designed to be!
Are you ready for that?  Well then, it's time to give your loved ones the gift that money can't buy-
A Better YOU!

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I would love to be a better me for my family.  I know that my weight affects how I interact with my loved ones.  My frustration with myself is often taken out only children, spouse co-workers and friends.  I need help to set clear goals and achieve them throughout the holidays.  There would be no greater joy than to be able to give to my family a truly happy and content me on Christmas Day, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.  I know I cannot do this alone.  I praise You for going before me and fighting the battles that I am not strong enough to fight.  I give you all the glory, honor and praise.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Give It Back!
Give the best gift of all this holiday season, by giving the ones you love a better YOU!  Share a specific goal you have in each of the four areas below, and expect to give yourself and your loved ones the greatest gift of all this year; the best version of YOU!

FAITH: My #1 goal to grow in my faith this month is to: _______________________________________________________

FAMILY: My #1 goal to improve my relationship with my family is to: ________________________________________________________

FOOD:  My #1 goal to improve my relationship with food is to:

FITNESS:  My #1 goal to improve my fitness is to:
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!  
We could not do this without YOU!

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