Equipped4More Ministries

Your Trial is About to Become Your Testimony

"But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony."
Luke 21:13

 Most of us have wished a year away at one time or another.  If you've ever had a year of  trials and tribulations, you know what I mean. And you're just 'over it.' Ready for the year to be over and praying for better times in the coming year. If that is you this year, I want you to see something.  Tucked away quietly in the twenty-first chapter of Luke there is a little glimmer of hope for you and me about our trials.   As Jesus is telling the disciples about things to come, and the perilous times they are likely to face, He shares something very important with them.  In verse thirteen He says this,  
"But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony."
How about that?  
He was telling them that everything they were facing would end in a testimony.
 Their pain will lead to their peace.
 Their trial will turn into their testimony.
In essence, for every trial and every struggle there is a reason.  And they ALL end in a testimony.  
That's your story too.  Do you see that?  God never wastes one word that He sends down through the Bible.  And when you read a word, it's personal.  So, as you are reading this today, God is saying to you,
"This is for you."  
He knows you are hurting.  He knows you are tired.  And He knows you are ready for your breakthrough.  And it's coming.  
You will be able to testify about what you're going through.  
What are your trials today?
 Is is your health?  Are you so over the fact that you can't get motivated to stay on your plan that you cannot even stand to look at yourself in the mirror?  
Is it the sickness of a loved one?  Are you so tired of praying for healing and deliverance that you almost get angry when you sit down to pray?
Is it your finances?  Has debt buried you in guilt and shame?  
Please don't let this message pass you by today.  
This is God talking.  Your trial is about to become your testimony.
  "Sure," you say.  "I've heard it before. Got excited before and here I am. Right back where I started."
Take a look at the verses that follow verse thirteen.  Too often, we become a little controlling when trying to change our circumstances and overcome our trials.  
When Jesus was telling the disciples that there trials were about to become their testimonies, He also said this:
"Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist."  Luke 21:14, 15.
You want to know what our problem is?  
We think too much!  
Right here, straight from the mouth of Jesus, we are being told to quit thinking too much.  Don't think about how you will fix your situations.  Or how you are going to change this person or manipulate that outcome.  Stop trying to figure out how you are going to fix your marriage, get out of debt, fix your family.
Stop thinking and start praying.  
Jesus promised his disciples the same thing He is promising you today.  
A wisdom that can conquer every stronghold you face.  But that wisdom does not originate from your plans, your ideas, your theories.
 It originates in dedicated and intimate time with God.  
I want to encourage you today.  Stop fretting about your loved ones.  Stop fussing about your weight.  Stop balancing a checkbook that won't balance.  
Hit your knees, and talk to God.  Ask Him for the wisdom you need.  
Better yet, ask Him to show you how He's going to turn your trial into a testimony today!

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am ready for You to turn my trial into a testimony.  God I have tried to control all the aspects of my life.  Time after time, I fail.  I want You to take control today.  Give me the wisdom I need to navigate this life.  Give me the hope I need to keep fighting.  And more than anything help me to rely on You for all the answers.  God I know through You I will find victory!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Your Trial is about to become Your Testimony!
If your nemesis is the sugar in your diet, start small.  
Condiments are highly processed and a deceptive source of sugar.  If you want to lower your sugar intake try making a few simple swaps like the ones below.
1.  Instead of ketchup, just spread plain tomato paste on your burger.
 If the texture is a little too pasty, just add water!
2. Replace processed sour cream with  plain greek yogurt on your baked potato, soups and chili recipes!
3. Try applesauce with a dash of cinnamon on your French toast and pancakes!
4.  Try mashing fresh fruit for your pb&j or toast and leave that jar of sugar loaded jelly on the store shelf!

What I love about these swaps is how good I feel about what I'm putting into my body.  All the above are wholesome and low-sugar alternatives that still pack a lot of flavor and fun!
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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Partner with us through a one time love offering or ongoing support. Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!  
We could not do this without YOU!

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