Equipped4More Ministries

Year End Message from Julie

As this year comes to an end, I first want to thank you, our E4M family for your love, support, prayers, and engagement over the last year!  You are why we are here and we cannot thank you enough for your love!
Someone once said, "If you're not looking ahead, you're falling behind." So at E4M we are looking ahead to the future and actively planning our strategy to have an incredible impact on you in the coming year.
Our vision for 2025 is this:
"Thrive in '25"
For us this means we want to see you improve in all areas of your life. Truly thriving mentally, physically, spiritually, relationally, financially.
There is a great need for a ministry that uniquely, and biblically addresses the life long approach to improved health and wellness through the inspired word of God.
So our goal in the new year is to provide you with content and inspiration that is always practical, biblical, attainable, and truthful.
The best way for you to encourage your loved ones to be the best version of themselves, is simply this:
Be the BEST Version of YOU!
Your financial support allows for us to not only reach more people, but reach them with content, information, tools and strategies that will transform them into the likeness of Christ.
If you have been touched by this ministry, you can help us keep moving forward!
Partner with us through a monthly commitment of just $10 (or more if you feel led)
Give one time love offering
Share in our year end campaign

Help us continue the mission that God has set before us:
To Inspire Wellness. In Everyone!
 As we approach the coming new year,
we are excited to see you "Thrive in'25!"

Thank you in advance for your love, support, and prayers!
your E4M Family

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