Equipped4More Ministries
Speed Up Your Weight Loss Journey with these Super Spices
June 20th, 2023
Indian spices not only help to increase the taste and flavour of any dish with their magic touch, but at the same time, have been known to cure many diseases and boost weight loss too. Here are  my fa...  Read More
by Julie House
Just Juice It!
April 18th, 2023
If your on a wellness journey, you've been introduced to salads! (Maybe too often!) Salads are a great asset in a weight loss journey, but they shouldn't be boring and tasteless! Join me and I'll sh...  Read More
by Julie House
4 Ways to Include God on your Weight Loss Journey
March 28th, 2023
Understanding that God plays a pivotal role in a weight loss journey, requires a new way of thinking for many of us.  After all, we’ve been trained to think that it’s all about the right meal plan, su...  Read More
by Julie House
My 4 Fave Scriptures for Fighting and Winning in Weight Loss!
March 21st, 2023
Have you ever wondered if God has anything to say about weight loss?  You’ve struggled for so long, and you know that God has so much to say about healing, loving others, and our faith in Him, but His...  Read More
by Julie House
Overnight Oats: They're OHHHH so Delish!
March 14th, 2023
I probably waited longer than anyone else to hop on the overnight oats train, but here I am!  And loving every minute of it!  If you haven't tried them yet, what are you waiting for?  They fit all the...  Read More
by Julie House
From Weary to WARRIOR
March 7th, 2023
I have been on a health and wellness journey long enough to know that my health matters if I am to find victory in stressful times.  Feeling run down, gluttonous, and shameful has no place in a warrio...  Read More
by Julie House
It's Time to GO!
February 28th, 2023
"You have stayed on this mountain long enough." Deuteronomy 1:6"You have been here long enough.  It's time to go!"  Do you need to hear that today?  Have/are you in a situation, relationship, financia...  Read More
by Julie House
My 4 Fave Ways to Show ❤️ Without Calories!
February 14th, 2023
We're all about the love, but NOT about the added calories. Check out these fun and inexpensive ways to show your Valentine you care without added calories! ...  Read More
by Julie House
Present Your Body As A Temple
January 24th, 2023
Throughout the Bible we see that God is a God of order, structure and holiness. He desires holiness and structure for His people. His Levitical instruction points to our need to our need to "prese...  Read More
by Julie House