Equipped4More Ministries

Always Pray Never Give Up

"Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always
ought to pray and not lose heart."
Luke 18:1

The parable referred to in the above verse is a shining example of  "the squeaky wheel, getting the oil."  The widow Jesus spoke of refused to give up, and therefore the judge finally gave her what she came for.   A gentle reminder that if we refuse to give up, we will get what we came for!  Lasting health, wellness, and weight loss. But let us not forget the second part of what Jesus is trying to teach us here.   Be encouraged today and begin to practice what Jesus told the disciples to do in addition to not giving up.  
"Always pray."
 Friend, I want to encourage you today; never stop praying about your weight loss.  Never think for one second that prayer regarding weight loss isn't important; it is.  And never place it at the bottom of your prayer list.  Your health and wellness is paramount to your work in God's Kingdom.  Your family needs you to be healthy.  Your friends need you to be healthy.  And God needs you healthy to fulfill your purpose on this earth for Him.  
That, is reason enough to,
"Never Give Up!"

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I won't give up this time.  I have learned that I cannot do this alone, but more importantly that You need me to be healthy to fulfill my purpose for You on this earth.  I will follow Your directive today and everyday to pray about my journey, giving thanks, and never giving up!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Never Give Up!
In many ways we can give up on our journey, long before we actually call it quits.  Consider the following warning signs of giving up on weight loss, and commit to cultivating a lifestyle of always praying and not giving up, by ridding yourself of the following thoughts and behaviors.

1.  Constant battle of the mind that you cannot do it:  Remember, you can't!  But God can.  Refute your negative thoughts with scripture.

2.  Calling your journey a "diet.":  Diets are for starting and stopping.  Journeys take you places.  Remember, you are on a journey to create a new lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

3.  Complaining: We rarely continue with things we complain about.  Eventually we move onto something else.  Work hard to "catch yourself" when you might be speaking negatively about your journey.  Do your best to find something good in it everyday.  Examples include:  I sleep better when I eat better.  I have more energy when I'm eating healthy.  There's always something awesome about your improved health and wellness!

4. Isolation:  People often isolate before giving up on their weight loss goals.  Skipping the weekly accountability of weighing in and meetings.  Avoiding the daily devotion time once spent focused on your health and wellness.  Remember Satan works in isolation, and God works in community.  "Where two or more are gathered..."  Stay in community with others on this journey and you will never give up!

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