Equipped4More Ministries

You Just Can't Quit

"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me.  And Your right hand shall hold me."  
Psalm 139: 9, 10

I remember this day vividly.  It was a day that God (and my daughter) reminded me; 'You just can't quit now.'
Yesterday was quite the day for me.  Just moments after finishing up the daily devotion I write for our E4M family, my computer quite literally crashed.  Totally.  I spent the better part of the morning researching Youtube videos, messaging friends who are tech savvy and praying and pleading with God.   None of which were planned, or how I intended to spend the morning. (With the exception of praying.)  And, at around lunchtime the votes were in; my computer would not be returning to life.  If you run a business or your work requires a computer, you realize the impact this can have on your day!

This right here is definitely one of those life situations in the past that would've had me running for the chocolate and chips.  It really is the day to day stressors we cannot escape, that seem to leave us eating our frustrations and emotions.  Things like:

Researching how to videos and munching on pretzels.  
Texting friends and eating ice cream while waiting for a response.  
Grabbing a couple cookies while attempting a reboot for the fifteenth time.
Things like:
Researching how to videos and munching on pretzels.  
Texting friends and eating ice cream while waiting for a response.  
Grabbing a couple cookies while attempting a reboot for the fifteenth time.  
 But this time I was determined (and it was a battle), that this would not be my story.  I caved at moments but never enough to ruin my day.  
"How Julie?  How did you do that this time?"
 Friend, its less complicated than you think.  I simply made up my mind that this time would not end the same as in times past.  

God has always seen me through financial, emotional and stressful situations and there was nothing giving me any indication that He was going to stop now.  
Was this frustrating?  Oh my goodness, yes!  
Would He make a way?  Oh my goodness, YES!

I'm still not sure what His plan is at the moment.  I'm holding out that I will get my computer back.  Until then, I want to share with you what I found in my Bible when I opened it just this morning.  
A note from my little Emmie. She must've snuck it in there early this morning before leaving for school.  I want her words of encouragement to encourage you today too!

"Dear Mom,
Times may be rough and confusing, but God is still right there in the middle of it all, working everything out for our good.  The devil wants nothing more than for us to be angry, upset, and non-joyful.  The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Mom, I love you sooooo much.  You mean the world to me.  You're the happiest, most compassionate, loving person I have ever met.  That list could go on.  Keep being strong and being who God chose you to be.
Love you Mommy!"

A weight loss journey can be rough and confusing too.  But friend, God really is right there in the middle of it all, working it out for your good.  It's the devil who wants you to be angry and upset when times get hard.  The joy of the Lord is your strength to go on.  You mean the world to your family.  They need you to be who God chose you to be.  You are loved!

At the end of her note, Emmie shared two scriptures that I want to pass on to you today:

"Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer."  Romans 12:12

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful."  Colossians 3:15

Today is not the day to give up on your journey.  Today is the day to rejoice, be patient, continue in prayer and let the peace of God rule in your hearts.
You Just Can't Quit!
Let’s Pray,

Dear God,
Thank you for reminding me that I can't quit now.  Even when life distracts me and sends me on a detour, You are still right there in the middle working it all out for my good.  Help me today to continue learning how to be patient in my struggles, find hope and pray without ceasing.  I no longer want to turn to food for comfort.  God, I long to turn to YOU.  Thank you for your Words that are such beautiful reminders for me.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

You Still Can't Quit!
Answer the following questions:
Do you wish you felt more confident in your skin? (Walking into church, work, family gathering?)
Have you dreamed of being bolder in situations, but your weight has held you back? (In conversations, feeling the urge to speak up, or testify?)
Are you tired and sluggish on the job?________ Does your weight and/or eating habits play a role? ________ How?
Do you struggle with intimate relationships (getting close to others, trusting, opening up)?  If so, do you think your weight plays a role?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you simply can't quit now!  
God is not finished with your weight loss journey yet!

"Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness, by whose stripes you were healed." 1 Peter 2:24

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