Equipped4More Ministries

God Promised

"As a father shows compassion to his children,
so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear Him.”
Psalms 103:13

Have you ever thought to yourself,  “I don’t think things can get any worse?”  
And then they do?
I remember feeling this way many times during my life, one notable one, during the season of the pandemic. It seemed as though each day brought more changes, frustrations and fears in light of an ever-changing virus.  I remember thinking, "We can't even make plans. No vacations, no doctor appointments, no plans to go anywhere. Our lives are literally in limbo." And then there were the restrictions. "Do we have to wear a mask or not today? How close can I stand to the person in front of me in line at the story? Will we be able to go to church this week?"
I especially remember a meme that began to circulate during this time that totally resonated with me:
“I’m not adulting today.  If you need me, I will be in my blanket fort coloring.”
Funny, yes.  But honestly there are days I still feel this way. I've grown weary from the stress, and changes of my life. (Many of them unwanted and quite frankly, I feel blindsided by.) No fair.  It's also during seasons like this, that we can struggle to discern the truth, and make healthy decisions. Mentally and physically. We are in a constant state of wondering if the anxiety we are experiencing will ever cease? Will the craziness ever end? Will the anger subside?
One particular morning during a very tough time in my life, I opened my Bible to glean from the wisdom of God's Word through Charles Stanley. Often finding solace through the practical strategies of my Life Principles Bible, that teaches us how to navigate life from the premise of leaning on God's unchanging Word. On this particular day, I opened to Life Principle #7:

The Dark Moments Of Our Life Will Last Only So Long As Is Necessary For God To Accomplish His Purpose In Us
Whoa!  I’ve read this before.  But on this day it took on a whole new meaning.  I was seriously beginning to wonder, “Will this darkness lift?” regarding the pain, suffering and anxiety I was feeling about a situation.
 God immediately answered, saying, "Yes, yes it will end!"
I continued to feverishly read. Desiring to glean more.  "What do I need to do?” I thought.  What is God trying to accomplish in me through this?  As I read, the anxiety began to lift, and the worry began to fade.  I want to share with you what God spoke to my heart during that season of life. And how it still rings so very true to this day.

1.  IT WON'T LAST.  I know this may be hard to believe if you are in the deepest throes of pain and suffering.  But know this: There is a limit to what can touch you.  Because you are a child of God, the Holy Spirit lives inside you.  He knows what you can handle.  Psalms 34:19 puts it this way, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from them all.”  
YOU will be delivered.  
God promised.
2.  God allows it, but He didn’t cause it.  Everything that is good comes from God.  If it’s not good, it didn’t come from Him.  However, He is so great and mighty that He will take ALL things and use them for our good, and His glory.  Romans 8:28 puts it this way,
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
It WILL works out.  
God promised.
In the end, every situation in our lives, even the most gut-wrenching ones, are being used to mold us more and more into the likeness of Christ.  Teaching us that at the end of the day, our source for strength, happiness, peace, lasting love, and joy comes ONLY from one;
our Heavenly Father.  
Be encouraged today.  The struggles you are facing will not last.  In weight loss, in finances, in relationships, or whatever else this uncertain world is trying to throw at you.  God will bring you out of the darkness into an everlasting light.  So that you may live what Philippians 2:15 says,
“That you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”
Go Out and Shine Today!
Let’s pray,

Dear God,
I needed this confirmation today.  This world seems to have gone crazy God, and sometimes I wonder how to navigate through it.  Like a small child who puts their full faith and trust in loving parents to care for and keep them safe,  I place my full faith and trust in you right now.  I know this season will end, and I know I will be stronger, and better for my family, my community and most of all for you.  I long to shine the love of Christ everywhere I go.  Help me God to do that today and everyday.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

God Promised
The Bible holds hundreds of promises for you and me.  Today’s strategy is for you to fully trust that the following 4 promises are for you!  After looking up, and reading each verse, write this phrase on the lines:
I believe it, and I receive it!

1.  Psalms 27:10- I am Never Alone: ____________________________________
You have one Parent and Friend who is the eternal lover of your soul, and He will never abandon you.

2. John 14:13-14- God Answers My Prayers: _____________________________
God will answer your prayers, when you pray in faith.

3. Psalm 103: 1-5- God’s Desire is to Bless Me: ___________________________
The benefits and blessings of God are innumerable.

4. Isaiah 43:4- I AM Precious to God: _________________________________
God truly loves and adores you.  Right where you are today.

Insecurities and lies can rob you of the truth, and your ability to walk in your purpose today (and in your weight loss journey.)  Claim the above promises to walk boldly in the truth of who and “whose” you are today!

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