No Regrets
For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death."
2 Corinthians 7:10
I've had many regrets over the years, and many associated with my weight. Guilt, shame, anxiety. I still have "skeletons in my closet," and incidents I cannot bring myself to share with anyone due to the sheer embarrassment I still feel about my behavior. One thing I've learned though, is that my regrets mean nothing without godly sorrow. It's the godly sorrow that I prayed to find over the years that has led to a repentant heart, and a lasting change in my behavior. Friends, forget the fleshly regrets today. They won't get you anywhere. If you want to be forever changed on this journey, ask God to produce a godly sorrow deep in your soul that will lead you to repentance. Seek a repentance that leads to a change of heart. This is what will forever change your journey. We get confused between godly sorrow, and the sorrows of this world. The sorrows of this world produce a short lived grief and guilt, and are quickly forgotten, never producing a lasting change. Be encouraged today, as God has once again revealed a new lesson for you. A lesson that will forever change the way you approach your weight loss journey and allow you to finally lose this weight once and for all! You no longer have to live with regrets; just ask God to cultivate a godly sorrow in you that will lead to lasting weight loss!
Let's pray.
Dear God,
I feel like I've lived my life with regrets. Regrets regarding my many attempts and failures at losing weight, and regrets about my shameful behavior. Today is a new day God. A day that I long for you to place a godly sorrow deep in my soul. A sorrow that will produce a repentance allowing me to finally be free of the strongholds I've lived with regarding food. Thank You for revealing to me the difference, and allowing m to move to another level in my weight loss journey and my walk with You! I Thank You today, that I have "no regrets!"
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
No More Regrets
What regrets do you have regarding your weight loss that you need to let go of. Regrets that are keeping you bound in a cycle of guilt, shame, eating? Think about the following:
1. Embarrassing situations: Do you have regrets about embarrassing situations where you acted in gluttonous ways? Give them to God right now!
2. Anger over your eating: Do you have regrets about becoming angry regarding your eating habits? Lashing out at others because you were ashamed of yourself? Give them to God right now!
3. Frustration that you haven't been able to stick with your plan: Do you have regrets about not being able to stick to your plan even for a day? Frustrated with yourself and others, who refuse to support you? Give them to God right now!
4. Giving into temptations: Do you have regrets about giving into temptations? Shameful that you caved once again? Give them to God right now!
Give these regrets to God! Allow Him to cultivate a sorrow in you today that produces a change in your heart.
No more regrets, just change!
2 Corinthians 7:10
I've had many regrets over the years, and many associated with my weight. Guilt, shame, anxiety. I still have "skeletons in my closet," and incidents I cannot bring myself to share with anyone due to the sheer embarrassment I still feel about my behavior. One thing I've learned though, is that my regrets mean nothing without godly sorrow. It's the godly sorrow that I prayed to find over the years that has led to a repentant heart, and a lasting change in my behavior. Friends, forget the fleshly regrets today. They won't get you anywhere. If you want to be forever changed on this journey, ask God to produce a godly sorrow deep in your soul that will lead you to repentance. Seek a repentance that leads to a change of heart. This is what will forever change your journey. We get confused between godly sorrow, and the sorrows of this world. The sorrows of this world produce a short lived grief and guilt, and are quickly forgotten, never producing a lasting change. Be encouraged today, as God has once again revealed a new lesson for you. A lesson that will forever change the way you approach your weight loss journey and allow you to finally lose this weight once and for all! You no longer have to live with regrets; just ask God to cultivate a godly sorrow in you that will lead to lasting weight loss!
Let's pray.
Dear God,
I feel like I've lived my life with regrets. Regrets regarding my many attempts and failures at losing weight, and regrets about my shameful behavior. Today is a new day God. A day that I long for you to place a godly sorrow deep in my soul. A sorrow that will produce a repentance allowing me to finally be free of the strongholds I've lived with regarding food. Thank You for revealing to me the difference, and allowing m to move to another level in my weight loss journey and my walk with You! I Thank You today, that I have "no regrets!"
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
No More Regrets
What regrets do you have regarding your weight loss that you need to let go of. Regrets that are keeping you bound in a cycle of guilt, shame, eating? Think about the following:
1. Embarrassing situations: Do you have regrets about embarrassing situations where you acted in gluttonous ways? Give them to God right now!
2. Anger over your eating: Do you have regrets about becoming angry regarding your eating habits? Lashing out at others because you were ashamed of yourself? Give them to God right now!
3. Frustration that you haven't been able to stick with your plan: Do you have regrets about not being able to stick to your plan even for a day? Frustrated with yourself and others, who refuse to support you? Give them to God right now!
4. Giving into temptations: Do you have regrets about giving into temptations? Shameful that you caved once again? Give them to God right now!
Give these regrets to God! Allow Him to cultivate a sorrow in you today that produces a change in your heart.
No more regrets, just change!
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I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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