Equipped4More Ministries

That's What Praise Can Do

 "He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done for you these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen.”
Deuteronomy 10:21

Does your life ever feel like a battlefield? Have you ever felt as though you are just the walking wounded moving from one battle to the next?  
You’ve been wounded by friction in the home, and now walk into the battlefield and chaos of an unhappy workplace.  
Memories of being wounded in childhood haunt you, and now you face the daily battles of unhealthy relationships and difficult friendships.  

Far too many people walk around wounded on a daily basis, completely unaware of the power within them to choke out the enemy and claim victory once and for all.  We have no idea the artillery that is at our disposal, and even when we do, some still are blind and unaware of it’s power.  
That one piece of ammunition that could change the outcome of every battle you will face today is WORSHIP.

As Christians we have become numb to the power of worship.  Not only that, we have allowed ourselves to believe that although it feels good to worship, it’s something “extra” we add to our Bible study, church attendance, and prayer.  
Many do not understand how vital it really is.   Let’s face it.  If we did, the pastor wouldn’t have to beg us to sing along with the choir on Sunday morning.

God sees worship as an integral and incredibly important aspect of our relationship with Him. In fact, in the Old Testament there were entire tribes whose only job was to continually worship God.  24/7!  And often times in battle, who went in first?  The tribe that was responsible for worship!  What kind of strategy is that?  No weapons, just worship?

  Friend, worship is one of the greatest weapons at your disposal.  Outward worship ushers in angels to assist you in fighting the daily battles of this life.  

In addition, think about this.  If worshipping the Lord is ushering in the angels of God to assist me and help me fight my battles, who is being ushered in by my complaining, arguing, bitterness, and strife?
 That’s a scary thought.  

If I am being honest, I find it much easier at times to vent, and verbally share my frustrations and aggravations with whomever is in earshot at the time.  Yet my praise and worship are often internal and “in my head” so to speak.
 No wonder there are times when my surroundings feel full of tension and anxiety.  Sound familiar?
If so, maybe it’s time we reverse this today.  Let’s see who we can invite over to help us fight our battles!  And win!

Let’s pray:
Dear God,
I want to start by praising your holy name.  How great and mighty are your works, your love, and your devotion to me.  God right now, I thank you for yet another beautiful revelation in this life.  I am so grateful God, to be able to face this day with a new strategy.  I know I have battles to face.  But today I face them with new weapons.  Weapons that I know will work.  I will praise you through my storms and look for the clouds to dissipate and the rainbows to appear.  Thank you for loving me, and sending your one and only son to live inside my heart.  I dedicate this day to praise!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Let’s Praise Our Way Through To Success!

Usher an army of angels into your battlefield today by worshipping God during situations that would otherwise cause you to become frustrated.  Some examples are below:

1.  You made choices at lunchtime that you are not proud of.  Now you are feeling guilty and frustrated!


