Equipped4More Ministries

The Narrow Gate

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it."  
Matthew 7:13

"Following the crowd."  Some would say that doing just that is what got us into the predicament we are in with our struggles regarding our weight.  Doing what everyone else does; eating whatever we want, whenever we want; experiencing great shame, repenting; and then repeating the cycle.  It's a dangerous cycle too.  Mainly, because 'gluttony' is active and alive in the Christian community, and a fully acceptable behavior.  No one deems it harmful, and most will attribute their physical ailments to anything other than being overweight.  Friend, following the crowd has never been the plan of God for any of us.  Can I share something with you?  If you experience guilt and shame because of your eating, God is speaking to you.   He is trying to get your attention, and ready and willing to take you down a different path, that will free you from this vicious cycle.
Remember that as you travel your weight loss journey today.  Enter in through the "narrow gate," by not ordering what everybody else orders at lunch.  Don't just eat the cake because everyone else is doing it.  Set a higher standard for yourself and others.  Chances are, those around you are wishing someone would!  Be encouraged today, following the crowd isn't what Jesus called you to do in life, or in weight loss.  He called you to step out of the crowd, and to follow HIM!

 Pray this prayer with me:
Dear God,
Today, I start with praising You for continued revelations in my weight loss journey.  I desire to step away from following the crowd, and to boldly follow Your lead in life, and in weight loss.  I look forward to my journey today, excited to set the example for others needing a leader.  God, You have placed me here for such a time as this, and I will stand up and be bold for those I love.  Leading and encouraging all who desire to live healthy too.  Giving You all the glory, honor, and praise!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,



