Equipped4More Ministries

Just Forget It

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old." Isaiah 43:18

In the middle of a weight loss journey, it's sometimes easy to remember all our failed attempts in the past.  "Remember last January, when you said you were going to lose this weight?"  Friend, don't think for one second that Satan isn't behind that, and every other negative thought that tries to get you off track and giving up on your weight loss goals.  HE IS!  How do I know?  I'm a firm believer in taking God's Word very literally, and when He brings it to my attention regarding a struggle I am in, I must apply it.  We are told in Isaiah to forget the past, quit dwelling on it.  Yes, you may have failed in the past, (maybe even yesterday.)  But make no mistake, your future holds victory, and you were placed on this journey for complete and total success.  So the extra cookie you had last night before bed?  Or the bag of chips you scarfed down when you were just a little stressed?  "Just forget it!"  Today is a new day, and your God is about to do something new and exciting in your life!  
Dwell on that!

Let's Pray.  
Dear God,
Thank you for this precious reminder.  I struggle to let go of all my failed attempts at weight loss sometimes.  And they cause great fear about my future.  And I know, Lord, that fear is not of YOU!  Today I commit to focusing and dwelling on all the great and mighty things you are about to supernaturally accomplish through my weight loss journey!  Forgetting the past, and looking forward to the prize that is before me.  I give You all the glory for changing my perspective, and giving me victory!
In the might name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Just Forget It
There are four things you must forget on this journey if you are seeking lasting success.  

1. You must forget your past failures-  Constantly reminding yourself about how many times you have failed in the past only keeps you stuck there.  You do not live in the past, and your thoughts cannot remain their either!

2. You must forget how hard you think it's going to be- When you think about how hard a task is or will be, chances are you will never get started.  Your goal today and everyday is to take one meal/snack/bottle of water at a time!

3. You must forget about everyone else's journey- Comparison in a weight loss journey is of the devil.  Quit watching everyone else's success.  Their story is not your story.  God has called you to your own story.  Start writing it today!

4. You must forget how long it is taking- The quicker you get your mind off how long it could possibly take to lose "that much", the quicker you will meet your goal.  Focus on daily, weekly, monthly goals.  It's the sum of the little things you do everyday that take you to the finish line in weight loss!

I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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