Equipped4More Ministries

IF You Believe

"Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him as righteousness."  
Romans 4:3

Daily reminders.  We all need them.  We need to be reminded of the important things in life.  And to let go of the "little things."  The above verse is a great reminder for all of us.  If we are to conquer all our strongholds in this life (including weight) we must learn to believe and fully trust God.  In previous verses in this same chapter, the author (believed to be Paul) shares with his readers why Abraham's faith was so important. Abraham believed God; God rewarded his faith; God received the glory.  
When we attempt to take control of our own lives, and the outcome of situations, we block the supernatural power of God from shining in our circumstances.  
If this journey was simply about following the perfect meal plan, where would the miraculous power of God fit in?  Friend, God is at work in you to change the way you look at food.  If you will place your trust in Him, He can remove that insatiable craving you have for cookies, pizza, and donuts.  Do you believe that?  Do you realize that God can take away your desire for Coke, McDonald's fries, Doritos and Cheesecake Factory cheesecake?  He really can!  But, there is one condition:
  You must believe that He is fully able (and desires) to do so.   
Be encouraged today.  You don't have to find the perfect meal plan. You aren't required to be perfect, or able to withstand all the temptations that come your way.  God wants to step in and take over.  Lasting weight loss is possible!  
If you just believe!

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I want to believe today!  I want to be like Abraham and place my trust in You, even in weight loss.  Today, I will press in, believing and knowing that You and You alone can change my perspective about food.  You are a miracle working God, working miracles in my life.  I am so grateful I have finally found the missing link in my weight loss!  Yes, I believe!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

If You Believe

What are some areas you need to trust God for in weight loss?  Be as honest as you can.  Remember, God can only move "If You Believe!"  Here are a few areas, I had to come to terms with, but when I did, I can tell you my weight began to come off supernaturally!

1.  I had to believe that God desired me to be healthy and at a weight I was confident with.

2.  I had to believe that He was the one making changes, not me.
3.  I had to believe that this was a lifestyle and not a diet.

4.  I had to believe that He was in control.  This was the hardest part for me.  Secular plans always taught me that I had to find the will power deep within myself.  Motivation came from me.  God showed me that I would never succeed, until I gave up all control to Him.

If you struggle like I did with the above, I promise if you will just believe, God will begin a supernatural work in your weight loss that will last forever!



