Equipped4More Ministries

Shelter from the Storm

"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me! For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have passed by."
Psalm 57:1

Sometimes life can throw us a curve ball.  And when it does, it threatens to take us off track in our health and wellness journey.  When stressors, and struggles invade our homes and lives, the thought pattern often becomes, "I don't have time for this right now."  Friend, can I lovingly encourage you today.  I am personally praying against anything that may threaten your wellness journey, but if it happens, can I just remind you, that you are no better for your family and friends if you lay aside your plans for living healthy and well.  In fact, allowing life to interrupt our plans to get healthy  will often cause us to be less effective for our families.  When tragedy hits your life, do take shelter.  Run to the One who can protect you, but don't give up on what He has called you to do in wellness.  God is your refuge in times of trouble, not food, pills, or any other distraction.  The Bible promises that "these calamities will pass by,"  until they do, take shelter from the storm in the arms of your loving Savior.  Remembering that it was He who called you to this journey in the first place.  Will you pray the prayer below with me, reminding yourself that God is your shelter from the storms of life.

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
Thank You for being my shelter during storms.  Although I don't like to experience the storms of life, I am grateful that You are there to protect me, reminding and promising me that they will always pass.  God, I long to be a role model and witness for the amazing work You have done in my life.  Help me to never give up, even when the storm rages.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Shelter From The Storm
How can you take shelter in God instead of food the next time a storm threatens your journey?  Remember these four absolutes about giving upon wellness!

1.  I am not better for my family, I am worse.

2. I will try again at some point down the road, so why quit now?
3. Satan is the one behind trying to get me to quit, and I never want to follow his lead.  

4. God called me to this journey.  Staying on it, is being obedient to His plans for my life.

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 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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