Equipped4More Ministries

It's Time To Fight

"Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name."  
Psalms 91:14

It's Time To Fight Back!

Are you in a season where you feel like you've had enough?  Too much sickness, stress, worry, and frustration.  Whether it be the loss of a loved one, estranged relationships, or anxiety about the future?  And you are just at your breaking point and ready to move on. Does that describe you?  It has been the case for me at many times in my life.

So what do we do when we are in a season of unknowns?  One day it appears things are looking up, there is healing and hope, and the next, here comes Satan again trying to steal, kill and destroy all that we love and cherish.

Friend, this is your wake-up call.  You may not be able to change your circumstances, but it is imperative that you change how you handle what is going on all around you.  
We are all faced with hardships at different seasons in our lives.  And they threaten to unravel all that we've worked so hard to build up. Some much more grave than others.
But it will always be our approach to handling our situations that determine our outcome.
You may be deep in a season like this right at this very moment.  I call it a Psalm 91 season of life.  In this chapter, we get a clear picture of God promises to deliver us from the terrors of our circumstances.  But there is a condition for coming out:

Are you making Him your refuge during this time?  
Or has food become your refuge?  
Are you trusting Him?
 Or are you trusting in the news?  
Are you making Him your dwelling place to find comfort?  
Or are you finding comfort in other things?  Like food, social media, mindless television

These are hard questions, but the Word of God tells us that when we set our love upon the Lord, He promises to deliver us.  When we call on Him, He promises to not just hear us, but answer us, and to be with us in trouble.  Satisfy us with a long life.  

What are we waiting for?  
How long will it take for God to get through to us?  
Don't leave a tough season in life the same way you went in.  

That is not God's plan.  It's time to rise up, and fight back.  
You are fighting against a spirit of darkness that prevails in this world, and satan is behind it.  His only mission is to keep you sedentary and stuck.  Immobile and unable to move forward.  
Friend, the name of Jesus Christ is your weapon today.  
The Word of God is your Sword.  Use it like never before. Cry out to God in prayer.  Call out to Him through His Word. It's time to Fight Back!

Let's pray;

Dear God,
I am ready to fight back.  I don't want to leave this season of life the same way I entered.  I know that is not your plan for me.  God, I will cry out, and call out to You like never before.  Help me today to realize the power that is working in me through You.  I will commit to taking refuge and seeking comfort in You today, not food, or any other mindless and useless comforter of my flesh.  I long to comfort my spirit through you!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Today's E4M Strategy is to implement the following in order to allow God to make your life and your weight loss journey a living testimony:
MOVE:  Satan wants nothing more than to keep you sedentary today.  Make a commitment to move more today than you did yesterday.
READ: Sometimes we feel alone in our circumstances.  Allow what Jesus said in John 8:31 to penetrate your heart today.
 "If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed."
When we abide in His Word, we belong to Him.  
SPEAK: What you speak becomes your reality.  Speak the truth of Psalms 91:9, 10 throughout your day today:
"Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you."
Nothing can touch you when you stay close to the Lord!  Claim Him as your Victory today!

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