Are You Listening?
"Whoever listens to Me will dwell safely, and will be secure without fear of evil."
Proverbs 1:33
The lyrics for the song below entitled 'Back to God' seem eerily prophetic today. (Listen below.) Performed at the CMA's back in 2017, it seems as though we can all find ourselves living out one or more of the verses in our current lives. As I listened to this song I found it a breath of fresh air to hear popular artists in the secular realm (for the most part) professing the need for us to look to God for the solutions to the problems of this world. But in listening, I was still reminded that the real hope for this world is, and will always be found when the people of God, don't just read the Word,
but we begin to listen, really listen
to what God is telling us.
Friend, know this today;
You will be safe from the storm that is brewing around you, and the storms of your wellness journey, not just when you give them to God, but when you listen to what He is trying to teach you through them!
Remember when you first started your journey to wellness? It was a season of constantly praising God. You were overjoyed to have found the missing link. He was helping you, and you were finding wild success. But then the days came when you no longer wanted to share your journey with God. You wanted to hide certain foods, and "do your own thing." You wanted God to turn away and not look, yet you still wanted to experience the same results.
Some where along the way, we forgot that God never told us it would be easy, just that He would be there to walk alongside us, and fight our battles, if we would invite Him in and follow His will. He wanted to be a part of our journey, but we began to shut Him out. And then, the weight loss became hard again.
Think about the last few days, and weeks.
- Are you inviting God in, or "going it alone"?
- Do you hear yourself crying, but not "crying out to God?"
- Do you find yourself praying, but not "praying for His will in your life?"
If this sounds like you, I want to encourage you to start fresh today. His mercies are new for you, and He longs to go on this journey with you. Today, when you listen to God you can be assured that you will be safe, and secure. Living without fear, and finding success in your wellness journey once and for all. Yes, give it back to God, but listen to His instructions when you do!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
"Safe and secure, living without fear." That is what your Word says I will experience when I listen to you. Today God, I seek your face above all else. I long to listen and hear you speak to me, providing hope and direction for my weight loss journey, and my life. I thank you God that your Word continues to be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Help me today to hide your Word in my heart, so that I will not sin in my weight loss journey.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Are You Listening To What God Is Telling You?
Your daily strategy today is a simple one. But for many it may not be easy. Yet, if we are to find lasting success, we must begin to put the Word of God to practice. Today, spend dedicated time actively listening to God. Get alone with Him for at least 15 minutes, and ask Him to speak to you about your weight loss journey. Then, write down what you feel He is saying. Do not worry if you don't "hear" Him the first time, just keep trying. Remember this, we are in the habit of talking to God way more than we listen to Him. So, it may take a few tries for us to hear Him speak. But know this; God knows your heart, and He desires to give you the desires of your heart. So if your desire is to hear Him speak to you, trust me He will honor that!
Posted in prayer, Weight loss, Wellness
Posted in listening to God, seek God, Proverbs 1:33, hearing God
Posted in listening to God, seek God, Proverbs 1:33, hearing God
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