Equipped4More Ministries

BIG Prayer Warriors

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
James 5:16

When writing, I almost always draw from my current situations.  Such was the case with this devotion.  Originally drafted several years ago, I remember vividly the morning it was penned.  As I reflected on it today, I was reminded, my situation may have changed, but the lesson I learned all those years ago is still just as powerful for me today.  I pray it blesses and encourages you as well-right where you are in your journey.
I must confess.  This devotion was headed in a TOTALLY different direction until a several things took place this morning.  First, I looked up the verse I was feeling led to, and noticed there was so much more to it than what I first thought.  Second, I received a text from a dear friend sharing a message God is laying on her heart, and it tugged at mine too.  And third, when I went to type the title, it changed; right before my eyes.  
You see, initially I was feeling drawn to share about praying BIG.  Imparting a wisdom to you that says, "You serve a Big God, and He deserves your Big prayers."  Yet somewhere in between the scripture search for the message and typing out the title, God imparted a wisdom to me.  He said,
"They already know that.  What they need is a prayer warrior to take over when they don't feel like praying those Big prayers."  
Oh my goodness!  That hit me Big Time!  You see, I could use a prayer warrior right about now.  I'm going through some emotions, causing me to resist praying about a situation, and for a certain person.  It's my flesh I know.  But nonetheless, the situation and the person still need a prayer warrior.  
And I'm just struggling right now.
What about you?  Are you struggling in your weight loss journey right now?
 Are you struggling so much that you haven't prayed about it in the last few days?  Does the thought of asking God to give you desire and motivation to continue your journey make you want to stress eat, instead of pray?  
Do you get so discouraged and frustrated at times that you feel like it would make you feel better to throw the scale rather than pray over it?   Friend, it's o.k. God already knows the answer to all those questions.
And it's time we do something about it too.  We need healing from our flesh.  A flesh that resists the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and a flesh that is drawn toward desires that counter our weight loss goals.  
And if we aren't praying about it, who is?  
It's time to rise up.  Embrace what God is telling you in the verse above.  
If we will confess, and start fervently praying for one another,
we can and will be healed.
So often, the lack of progress we are making in certain areas has nothing to do with God's inability or lack of desire to heal us.  
We simply won't ask.  
Let's change that today.  
Go out and get you a Big Prayer Warrior.
 And watch God transform your weight loss, and your life!

Let's pray;
Dear God,
I don't know why I stop praying about my weight loss journey at times.  Guilt, shame, frustration.  So many reasons.  I do need a prayer warrior to intercede for me.  I am desperate to lose this weight, and live a healthy life serving you every single day.  Lead me to a prayer warrior that will be fervent and persistent in praying for me.  God, I know that everyday you are making a way in my weight loss, even when I can't see it, or feel it.  But today, I do see it.  And I feel it too.  And for that I want to thank you!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Today's E4M strategy may take you out of your comfort zone just a bit.  But if you will follow through, this strategy will guarantee your weight loss success!
Ask God to reveal to you a prayer warrior that can begin praying for you specifically about your weight loss journey on a daily basis.  
Reach out to him/her and ask if you may share your struggles, and in turn they would begin praying for you based on James 5:16. Before you do, take a look at what it means to be "fervent and effectual."
FERVENT: Very hot; exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling. Zealous.
EFFECTUAL: Producing or able to produce a desired effect.
Get ready!  God is about to move mightily when you
"Get You a Big Prayer Warrior!"

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