Equipped4More Ministries

Destroying Strongholds

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
2 Corinthians 10:5

I am currently reading a book entitled Christian Maturity.  The premise of the book is that all Christians are called to be dynamic in nature.  That is to say we are to be constantly maturing, moving forward and growing in our Christian faith and purpose for God.  

In studying about mental maturity, the parallels to our health and wellness journeys are powerful.  
We can all likely admit that we struggle with strongholds of one kind or another.  And in our walk with God, praise His holy name, we have all been able to overcome many of the strongholds that have hindered us in the past.  
For some though, the struggle to overcome weight and food strongholds has been a lifelong battle.  Why is this?
There are many reasons, but the main one is that sin associated with food is not seen as sin at all.  (Therefore it must not a stronghold.)
Overeating and the consumption of unhealthy foods in this country is widely accepted and even encouraged.  
Until we come to the knowledge that our weight is stagnating our maturity (that is to say, holding us back from being dynamic) we will forever struggle.  
I want you to tear down this stronghold today.  Realize that your "issues" with eating and food are holding you back from truly living out your purpose for Christ with complete confidence and boldness.   When you do, you will be able to fully embrace the power that you have living inside you in Jesus Christ.
Know this,  all of your strongholds are battles of the mind and start with  your thoughts.  Learning to use the power of scripture to control your thoughts will allow you to be victorious, not just in weight loss, but in all battles of the mind; anxiety, fear, anger etc.  
2 Corinthians 10:5 is a powerful weapon in the battles of the mind.
 It lists three things that you must do to overcome your thoughts and thus find victory for your strongholds:

1.  Cast down arguments
("I can't lose weight!")
2.  Cast down things that exalt themselves against God
3. Bring every thought into obedience to Christ
(Does what I am thinking right now glorify God?  
Is it helping me become a more dynamic Christian?)

Friend, you are in the right place to overcome your struggles with your weight.  Get excited about that.  Obey the word of God today.   Realize the importance of your health and wellness and the direct impact it has on every other area of your life.  Embrace the journey.  Enjoy the ride.  Destroy the strongholds you've battled for far too long, using the weapon that wins every time.  
The mighty Word of God.

Let's Pray.
Thank you for this precious word today.  It's a well laid out plan for the struggles I have with my weight.  I will utilise the power of scripture and claim victory today.  Be with me God as I go out.  Help me fight the negative thoughts, and cast down the arguments.  I want to think on things that bring glory and honor to You.  Especially with my eating and my health.  I will forever sing Your praises for transforming my mind, body and soul.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,


Destroying Strongholds
Implement the power of 2 Corinthians 10:5 and destroy the strongholds associated with your weight for the last time.

1.  Cast down arguments:  Whatever argument you've battled with your weight in the past, write down your victory statement on paper to make it real!
 Ex:  "I have never been able to lose weight before, what makes me think I can do it now?"  Victory Statement:  "God placed me here to lose this weight, and His Word says, 'I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.'  I will do it this time!"

2.  Cast down things that exalt themselves against God:  What people/things are you placing before God?  Giving more time and energy to, and finding comfort in?  And therefore hindering your weight loss?  
Ex: "kids, parents, work. They all need my time, so I don't have time for weight loss."
Truth:  Your children, parents, and employer need you healthy and whole. You must make time for your health and wellness.

3. Bring every thought into captivity:  Are your thoughts leading you to improving your health or bingeing, overeating and snacking?
Ex:  "I am so stressed/frustrated/tired, so I am going to eat."
Captive Thought:  "I am struggling right now God, I need you to speak to my heart and calm my fears and frustrations."

4.  Result of Obedience: God has so many wonderful things planned for you today on your journey.  Obey the Word and start destroying strongholds!
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