Equipped4More Ministries

Do You Need A Renovation?

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 36:26

Have you ever renovated your home, or even a room in your home?  If so, you have a keen understanding that the challenges can be massive, but the end result is so worth it.

When most people embark on a renovation project, their thoughts immediately fast forward to the finished project.  They envision what their kitchen or bathroom might look like when remodeled. New granite countertops that sparkle in the sunlight.  A fresh coat of paint on the cabinets with shiny new hardware.  Stainless appliances, a double oven, and glass top stove.  And a dishwasher that hums so softly it could put you to sleep.

But wait.  Those changes and those beautiful appliances don’t just appear overnight.  It takes weeks, possibly months of living out of a disheveled kitchen, eating out, coping with setbacks, and frustrations.  Deadlines get pushed back, and anxieties heightened.
During a renovation project there will be setbacks, and we learn to "expect the unexpected" as they say.  
However, we press on for the outcome.  The end result makes up for all the hard work and frustration.

Are you in need of a little renovation?  Is it time to think about your weight loss journey in terms of how you will feel in the end?  And not how hard it is in the moment?  
Just like your kitchen, bathroom, or basement renovation will be worth the headaches, time, and financial investment;


Not only are you worth it, you have been called to do it.  The Bible says,
“That you put off concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”
For many, the issue is not that we don’t have the desire to change, we definitely do.  It’s simply a resistance to the process.  Renovation projects in your home never get underway, because you resist the time, effort and money it will take, focusing on that, instead of how much you will enjoy your new and improved living space.

The same is true with weight loss.  Far too many resist the process, focusing on how hard it is in the moment, unable to see how wonderful you will feel in the end.  Less stress, less sickness, and improved confidence, sleep, and healthier relationships.  

If this sounds like you, it’s time to bring in a new contractor in for the job.  Quit trying to oversee this project on your own, and bring in the expert.  Friend, God has the power to take over and renovate your body if you will let Him.  
Your weight loss journey has never been about a meal plan.  It has always been about a mental plan.  It’s time to stop resisting the process, and allow the best Contractor for the job to take over.  His Word tells us that He can take out our stubborn and stony heart and give us a tender and responsive heart.  One that is open to His mighty plans for our life.  One that includes renovating this body of ours.  
Are you in need of a little renovation today?

Let’s pray.

Dear God,
I am in desperate need of renovation.  I praise you that you can change the way I look at food, and this journey.  I invite you in today to take full control.  I don’t want to resist the process anymore.  God help me to see that it’s not about my meal plan.  It’s about my mental plan.  Take out my stubborn heart that doesn’t want to do the work, and replace it with a heart of flesh that will follow in your Spirit.  God, I realize that the only way I can lose this weight for good is through you.   Thank you for giving me a fresh start everyday in life.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,


Renovating the foods we eat is key to renovating our bodies.  Try incorporating these 4 Powerhouses, to boost weight loss and overall health!

1. Sweet Potatoes - Great for weight loss, but also a healthy source of good carbs that help fight disease.  Consider implementing other root veggies like carrots, beets, and parsnips too!

2. Berries- When trying to lose weight and implement fruit, think berries.  But they also help keep the brain healthy and fend of Alzheimer’s too!

3.  Salmon and tuna- Provide omega-3 fatty acids for excellent weight loss success and a healthy heart.

4. Dark Chocolate- Perfect for your sweet tooth, waistline, and a great mood booster too!  Just remember portion control!

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