To The Uttermost
"Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them."
Hebrews 7:25
The path to freedom from sin has always been through Christ. Yet, for some reason, when it comes to sin related to eating, we are constantly looking for freedom elsewhere. Meetings, meal plans, supplements, surgeries. We are searching for freedom in many things, and many places, but not the cross. Friend, just as church attendance, bible study, and connection with other Christians is crucial to fostering a growing relationship with the Lord; improved eating habits, drinking water, moving our bodies, and connecting with others on a health and wellness journey
are crucial to our success in weight loss. However, both start with finding freedom in Jesus.
Hebrews 7:25 says, "To the uttermost" He longs to save you from your sins of gluttony and emotional eating. Even the best meal plan can't do that. Sweet friend, get final and lasting freedom today, by seeking your freedom in Jesus. He lives to make intercession to the Father for you;
to the uttermost!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am learning day by day to depend on You. To seek You first in all that I do. God, the revelations about the ways I have approached weight loss in the past, and how You are changing me are overwhelming. You are able to save me to the uttermost. And I accept. Thank you for loving me enough to save me.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey? Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
Follow the link to get yours today!
Your 40 Day Miracle
To The Uttermost
How can you improve in the areas mentioned in today's devotion regarding fostering your healthy lifestyle?
Share on the lines below:
Improving your eating habits: ________________________________________________
Drinking water as part of your healthy lifestyle:
Moving your body more today than yesterday: _______________________________________________
Connecting with others on the journey:
Realize this, when you begin to cooperate with God, He provides and heals you "To The Uttermost!"
Hebrews 7:25
The path to freedom from sin has always been through Christ. Yet, for some reason, when it comes to sin related to eating, we are constantly looking for freedom elsewhere. Meetings, meal plans, supplements, surgeries. We are searching for freedom in many things, and many places, but not the cross. Friend, just as church attendance, bible study, and connection with other Christians is crucial to fostering a growing relationship with the Lord; improved eating habits, drinking water, moving our bodies, and connecting with others on a health and wellness journey
are crucial to our success in weight loss. However, both start with finding freedom in Jesus.
Hebrews 7:25 says, "To the uttermost" He longs to save you from your sins of gluttony and emotional eating. Even the best meal plan can't do that. Sweet friend, get final and lasting freedom today, by seeking your freedom in Jesus. He lives to make intercession to the Father for you;
to the uttermost!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am learning day by day to depend on You. To seek You first in all that I do. God, the revelations about the ways I have approached weight loss in the past, and how You are changing me are overwhelming. You are able to save me to the uttermost. And I accept. Thank you for loving me enough to save me.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey? Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
Follow the link to get yours today!
Your 40 Day Miracle
To The Uttermost
How can you improve in the areas mentioned in today's devotion regarding fostering your healthy lifestyle?
Share on the lines below:
Improving your eating habits: ________________________________________________
Drinking water as part of your healthy lifestyle:
Moving your body more today than yesterday: _______________________________________________
Connecting with others on the journey:
Realize this, when you begin to cooperate with God, He provides and heals you "To The Uttermost!"
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
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And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
It's Time To Start A RevolutionThe Lord WillWin in Weight LossYou Have Been ChosenFasting Diary Day TwoFasting Diary Day ThreeFasting Diary Day FourFasting Diary Day FiveFasting Diary Day SixFasting Diary Day SevenFight 4 Your FamilyKnow His NameJust Forget ItAll Means AllI Had A RevelationHe Is Waiting To Bless YouBlessed Are Those Who BelieveI Have DiedReap in JoyIt's Just Plain SinDon't Doubt ItWon't He Do ItTo The UttermostLook Up
Never Give UpYes, It's Really PossibleCan't Touch ThisThat Doesn't Scare MeEscape RouteCome ExpectingMercy AwaitsTotal DependenceA New CreationA Special TreasureIt's A "Heart" ThingLet's Stick TogetherKeep Your ConfidenceIt's Just That SimpleWhen You PrayIf You BelieveConsult God FirstBe Strong and WorkIt's In YOUWhen God MovesFollowing The CrowdYou've Got The PowerFind Your Strength
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