Equipped4More Ministries

When God Moves

"Then the heads of the fathers’ houses of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites, with all whose spirits God had moved, arose to go up and build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem."
Ezra 1:5

It's truly amazing what happens when God moves.  Lives are changed, strongholds are broken, and ancient temples are rebuilt when the Spirit of God falls on His people.  The question is often, "How can I experience the Spirit of God like that?"  Friend, you received it when you accepted Christ as your Savior.  The key is activating, and moving with it.  In this Old Testament recording, we find that the Spirit of God moved on the heads of the households, priests, and Levites to go and rebuild the temple of the Lord.  So they physically got up, and went to build up the house for the Lord.  You and I must do the same.  God has called us to take care of ourselves.  He is moving our spirits, and nudging us to get serious about our health and wellness.  We must move with Him.  We can no longer put it off until, "next week, or next month."  We have been called to start now!  But let me  encourage you today.  God knows as well as you do, that you cannot do this alone.  And He is there, up ahead today to aid you in avoiding, and saying no to temptations you could never avoid on your own.  Giving you energy, and motivation you never had before.  Activate it!  He is moving, and nothing can stop the power, "When God Moves!"

Pray this prayer with me:
Dear God,
Today I look forward to experiencing Your power in my wellness journey.  I'm ready to access and activate the power You have given me.  Ready to move when You say move!  I'm excited to face today, knowing and grateful that You are up ahead removing anything that would hinder my journey.  I'm moving ahead with You today, Lord!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Don't forget to incorporate the E4M Daily Strategy

When God Moves
God is moving in your wellness journey today.  The key to finding success is to move with Him.  So how can you move with God today in wellness?

1.  Don't put it off:  You were led here to start here; and now.  Don't put off the work any longer; start now.

2.  Remember, the little things mean alot:  The little things you eat and choose not to eat are what add up in this journey.  Work to stat away from the little nibble, and tastes today!

3.  Remember you are not doing this alone:  God Word says, Stand still and watch the Lord go to battle for you.  He does that when you cannot fight on your own.  You do what you can and leave the rest up to Him.

4.  Thank Him now:  Put your money where your mouth is so to speak.  You started this journey because you wanted desperately to believe that God would help you lose the weight and live healthy this time.  If you still believe it, thank Him for the success you are going to experience, "when He moves!"

When God moves, temples are rebuilt!  
He's moving and ready to help you rebuild yours today!
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey?
Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
Follow the link to get yours today!
Your 40 Day Miracle 

I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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