Equipped4More Ministries

Do You Need A Breakthrough?

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."
2 Timothy 3:16

   Can we start with a confession today?  I struggled with the same debilitating negative thoughts, behaviors, and strongholds for years. I can remember seasons in my life when given enough space in my head on any given day, the negativity, fear, and sinful behaviors could literally take me out.  And by take me out, I mean ruin me for days.
But by the grace, mercy, and love of the Lord, I have overcome many strongholds in my life that I never thought possible.  Addictions, actually.  And they're gone.
You see, I had behaviors and thought patterns that I knew they could not remain in my life if I was going to serve God fully, but I still struggled to release them to the Lord.  But one day, God gave me a revelation.  I learned that it didn't matter if I wanted to give up the stronghold or not, that wasn't my job.  My only job was to release the stronghold to Him.  
"God took my strongholds away from
me when I prayed for Him too,
not because I really wanted
to give them up.  
 I can even remember literally praying during different seasons of my life,
"God, you can see I'm not giving this up willingly.  If you want it gone, please take it from me."  
You know what?  He did!
 And satan doesn't even try to tempt me with them anymore.  
Why?  Because he knows it's no use.  
I'm not going back there.  
God set me FREE.
That's what you call a breakthrough.
Do you need a breakthrough today?  Are you tired of the same negative thoughts and fears, and behaviors devouring your energy,
and stealing your joy?
  You can have one.  Right now.
Breakthroughs begin when we exercise obedience to God, regardless of what our flesh wants.  Your flesh will never desire the breakthrough.  
It will always seek the stronghold.
 Why?  Because our flesh is sinful.  
Friend, the issue with any breakthrough is never
"They had more money, or access to better treatment, or their relationship wasn't as broken as mine, or they had more will power."  
It will always be, "How bad do I want to be obedient to God?"
Friend, if your heart's desire is obedience to God, and you have strongholds hindering you, and keeping you back, pray to God.  Ask Him to give you the desire to be obedient today, regardless of what your flesh desires. And get ready, your strongholds are about to be broken!
Let's pray;

Dear God,
God I want freedom today.  I desperately need to break free of so many things in my life.  Negative thoughts and behaviors that I know are keeping me from serving you.  Please God, I know there are things in my life, I am not willingly giving up, but I know I need to, in order to serve you better.  Please take them from me.  Thoughts, behaviors, emotions.  Whatever I need to rid myself of to be better for your kingdom.  Have your way, Lord.  Have your way.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Today's E4M Strategy is all about Breakthroughs.  What behaviors, thoughts or feelings are holding you back in your weight loss, or in your walk with the Lord?
Confess to God that you are aware that you are choosing to actively participate in behaviors, and thought patterns that are keeping you from success.  Begin praying today that He will remove them from you, even though you struggle to willingly give them up!
Get ready!  Your breakthrough is coming!



