Equipped4More Ministries

One Day At A Time

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”  
Matthew 6:34

One Day At A Time

 “One day at a time, sweet Jesus,
that’s all I’m asking of you.  
Give me the strength,
to do everyday,
what I need to do.”  

So many of us grew up singing this sweet hymn in churches large and small, all around the country.  (For me, it was a tiny Baptist church with wooden pews, in a small town along a flood wall in Dayton, KY.)
And it was recorded by numerous artists over the years, including Merle Haggard and Connie Smith.  Likely because the lyrics resonate with all of us.  Daily we seek the face of the Lord to teach us, show us, lead, guide and direct us.  Give us the strength as the song says to live just one day at a time.  
There is a line in the song that strikes me as very powerful.  
"Help me to believe in what I could be and all that I am.”
The writer of this song must’ve known what we all know deep in our spirit.  
God wants so much for our lives.  And we are so much more than we realize already.  The battle to believe that God created something amazing in us is fierce.  We fight it everyday.  Struggling to know what (and who) are supposed to become, and fighting with our flesh to believe we are something amazing right now.  
Even in writing, I am finding it hard to grasp the depth of God’s greatness in my life.  To think that right now, in this moment I am truly amazing in God’s eyes is almost too much to comprehend.  With all my sin, judgements, insecurities, fears and failures.  I am wonderful?  Really?  Pride is taking over even as I type, and I want to delete. delete. delete. I am not wonderful.  I am trying, but I am far from wonderful.
 The truth is, I am wonderful.  And so are you.  My sin is ugly, but I am not.  And neither are you.  I think God desperately wants us all to know this.  And the beauty, and wonder of who we are has nothing to do with us.  

It has everything to do with the One who created us.

Friend, in order to become all that we can be in this life, we must first understand all that we are.

You are a child of a King!  
You have access to all His riches in glory!
 You have the authority that He has!

 The Bible says that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is living inside you and me.
Do you believe that?
I want to encourage you today.  If you are looking for success, prosperity, peace, healing, deliverance, or all the above, try this.  If nothing has worked in the past, try meditating on God’s Word.  Embrace and BELIEVE what He says about you.  And begin taking this life,
“One Day At A Time."
Let’s pray:

Dear God,
I desperately want to live one day at a time.  And more than that, God I want to believe in all that I can be, and all that I already am.  Thank you God for teaching me that who I am has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with YOU.  Today I will begin living out the beauty of who I am in you.  Treating my body, and my soul in a way that honors and pleases you.  Thank you for your love and mercy over my life everyday.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

One Day At A Time
Live out the lyrics of this song today, and be blessed in knowing that when you live one day at a time for Jesus, you will find the strength and the courage to accomplish all that He is asking you to do!  And become ALL that He has created you to be!
One Day At A Time
I'm only human I'm just a man
Help me to believe in what I could be and all that I am
Show me the stairway that I have to climb
Lord for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking from you
Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine
So for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
Do you remember when you walked among men
Well Jesus you know if you're looking below it's worse now than then
Pushing and shoving crowding my mind
So for my sake teach me to take
One Day At A Time
-lyrics by Kris Kristofferson

Ask God to help you believe in all that you could be for Him by showing you, teaching you, and giving you strength to live one day at a time!

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