Equipped4More Ministries

It's In YOU

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us."
Ephesians 3:20

All too often in weight loss, we look four our power "outside."  Waiting for someone else to motivate, and inspire us.  Although community is key for lasting success, sometimes we need to be reminded that God has given us the power to make the changes we need to make.  How many times times have you waited for a friend to make you happy, or a circumstance to bring you joy.  Or a meal plan to help you finally lose weight.  Did you know that God wants to do all that and more?  But for that to happen we have to remember that there is a power working inside us.  The day you chose to begin your weight loss journey, I believe God ignited a fire in your heart.  But it's up to you to fan that flame.  Fan that flame by claiming the truth of scriptures like the one above.  Fan the flame by staying accountable on your journey through weighing in each week, and drinking your water.  But most importantly fan that flame by remembering that you have the power through Jesus Christ to lose this weight once and for all!  It's in YOU!

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am ready to access the power that you instilled deep inside me.  I'm ready to lose this weight once and for all.  And so excited to claim the other part of this verse that says you want to do "exceedingly, abundantly above"  all of that.  I cannot even begin to imagine how my life is going to change as a result of Your power working in me.  But I am ready to find out!  Thank You for placing Your power deep in my spirit.  

Don't forget to incorporate the E4M Daily Strategy
It's In YOU!
What other ways can you fan the flame that God ignited in you to keep you moving forward on your weight loss journey?  Here are a few strategies that have worked for me in the past and continue to this day!

1. Trying out a new food or snack:  Boredom is the quickest way to get me to quit, so I am constantly perusing the shelves at the grocery and the internet for fresh new ways to keep me motivated!

2. Remembering my why:  I have got to keep a why in front of me at all times.  It may change from time to time, (how effective is getting into that dress for the wedding goal after the wedding passes, right?). But keeping a why is vital.  New seasons, new clothes.  Upcoming events, health, doing it for my kids, and my spouse.  All can be powerful why's!  What's your why today?

3. Journaling ahead of time.  Knowing what I will be eating for the whole day is so so powerful and what an incredible stress reliever.  It's also a great visual for realizing how much food I actually consume when not journaling.  Food that is unhealthy and unnecessary.  I like to have my breakfast and then plan out the rest of the day.  I usually have a pretty good idea if I will be eating out or cooking if Im journaling the same day!  Try it today!

4.  Asking for help.  I often need added support from my family and extended E4M family.  I have learned over the years that they are more than willing to oblige and truly want to see me succeed, and I need not be ashamed to ask for help.  Asking them to help me avoid pitfalls and pray for me have proven to be great ways to keep that fire burning in my journey toward lasting weight loss success!

 Keep that fire burning in your weight loss journey this week, by finding ways to fan your flame.  
Remember, it's in you!


Julie's first devotional is now in print.  Complete with daily prayers and strategies you can implement everyday on our weight loss journey!?
Get yours today!

I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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