Equipped4More Ministries

The Precious Reminder

"There has not failed one word of all of His good promises."  
1 Kings 8:56

Have you ever received news that just felt like someone literally punched you in the gut?  News that shocks, and leaves you in a state of "What just happened here?"
I think it's safe to say we have all had this experience.  And if we haven't, sooner or later, it is likely that we will.  It is the nature of the fallen world in which we live.  But can I encourage you today?  It's not the news we hear, or the situations we face that define our outcomes, it's what we do with the information.  
All too often in this life, I have been guilty of asking God "Why?  Why me Lord?  Why my family?  Why now?"
If that sounds like you, can I enlighten you as to what I think God wants us to know?  Throughout life we are faced with situations, seasons, diagnoses, and circumstances that threaten to take us down.
 That is the goal of Satan.  
But God's goal is the opposite.  
He desires to use everything in our lives to take us to new levels in our relationship with Him.  
 Growing closer to God through turmoil, and pain is not my first choice, but can I tell you that it in my experience, it was in the seasons of turmoil where I found lasting peace and joy that I know I couldn't have found without the pain.

You see, when you go through struggles in life, friends, family, colleagues,  and doctors all mean we'll and want to guide you through the difficult season.  But their solutions often provide temporary relief.  A hug feels good, but it doesn't last.  Laughter is good medicine, but it's sometimes followed up by tears.  And a doctor's recommendations for healing can provide hope, but often, it too is fleeting.  

Friend there is something that can take you through the dark waters of pain and suffering, and provide healing and peace that surpasses all understanding, and often permeates into those around you.  
It's the Word and the precious promises of the Lord.  
The Bible often speaks of endurance.  Endurance means trusting in an end that you cannot see.  Enduring the suffering for the great prize that awaits those who go through it.  Friend, your life is, and will always be a series of events moving you and preparing you for greater service for God.

 It is through the tough times that we develop the steadfast strength that is required for service in God's Kingdom here on earth, and draws us deeper into the intimate relationship that He desires to have with us.  

Be encouraged today.  God is not a God of suffering, but He is a teacher.  And He is our Father who knows what is best.  And even in our suffering, He is teaching us how much He loves us, reminding us that what He promised will still come to pass.
 Carry this precious reminder as you go about your day today.
 What the devil meant to harm you, God is going to use for GOOD!

Let's pray;

Dear God,
Infuse me with the strength I need to trust fully in your Word today.  God I know your Word speaks truth, but sometimes in my pain, and fear I lose sight of your precious promises.  I want to stand on the rock that is the Word of God today.  I long to believe that what I am going through is meant for my good, and your glory.  Help me today!  And I promise to always give your the glory, honor, and praise you so richly deserve.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,


The Bible reminds us how we are to handle seasons of pain and suffering.
Use these verses to remind you that God will take you through every struggle you face today and everyday.

"Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me."  John 14:1
(Do not be troubled today. God has arrived to heal and deliver you.)

"But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who come to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."  Hebrews 11:6  
(God rewards your diligence in seeking Him.  Never stop.)

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
(Find joy in the Lord today, and expect ALL the desires of your heart to be fulfilled.)

Follow the directions of the above verses today, and find Victory!  In weight loss, and in life!

1 Comment

Debbie Gallimore - May 8th, 2024 at 10:40am

Thank you for this Word. God knew I needed this My Daughter has MS it's getting worse my Granddaughter has 2 diagnoses she's being taken to Vanderbilt at various times I was just diagnosed with a couple things that supposedly according to the Doctor is incurable. I have felt as if my world was falling apart but I trust in God I trust his plan and healing. I started getting weak and listening to the wrong voices however the services over the weekend were absolutely wonderful. God blessed me and encouraged me. I will keep walking by faith it's all going to be ok. My life my children and grandchildren are in his hands. Thank you again for this devotion.



