Yes He Will
"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
Philippians 1:6
God has spoken to me so much over the years regarding my weight loss journey. Reminding me early in my journey that He would help me lose the weight once and for all. And when I did, out of obedience to His faithfulness, I would be required to share what He accomplished in my life. I remember vividly the day I knew I was to take His message to the world. A message that says, "I can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST who gives me strength." (And that includes losing weight, and living healthy.) But I questioned God, "God, if I am to proclaim this message daily, where will I find continual scriptures that confirm that Your Word is relevant and applicable to weight loss? Friend, I asked that question in late 2008, and can I tell you that since that day, I have proclaimed every day of my life (to anyone that would listen) that my God, your God, wants to fight your battles in weight loss, and give you lasting victory. The above verse has become one of my favorite revelations to share with men and women who are struggling. It is a fresh reminder, that you did not start a diet this time. God began a work in you. A nighty work to prepare you for the next season of your life. A season filled with you doing what you always wanted to do; serving the Lord with everything that is in you. Friend, be encouraged today, be confident in this fact; He will finish what He started in you! Yes, He Will!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
You have begun a work in my life. A work I sometimes try and take credit for, and a work that I sometimes try and take over. I am grateful that even with my interference, You will finish what You started. Help me God to not just read Your Word everyday, but to embrace and believe all the wonderful truths that it holds for my life, and my weight loss. I look forward to the many victories that await me today. I know You will finish what You started. And I praise Your Holy name.
In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Yes He Will
I once heard a pastor say, "You are ONE proclamation away from God's great plan unfolding over your life." We must proclaim the truths God has spoken to us over the years. What are some proclamations you need to make regarding your health and wellness journey? Here are some of mine!
1. I proclaim that I will get to a healthy weight and feel confident in my skin: It really is true that what we speak becomes our reality. So if you say it, it will be true! Today practice proclaiming the reality you want to see in life.
2. I proclaim that I will enjoy healthy foods, not eating them only to lose weight: I don't know about you, but I have grown weary of hating the foods that are good for my body. I want to enjoy what I eat. God has answered this proclamation with such power. Trust me, I was once a girl who would stop at nothing for a large Diet Coke and fries. I am still overwhelmed to this day that I can honestly say I crave the goodness of God's garden more than man's kitchen!
3. I proclaim that this is NOT a diet, but a lifestyle: I don't want to return to my old behaviors. I want to live a lifestyle that promotes taking care of this temple. I speak that over my life daily.
4. I proclaim I will conquer secret eating and gluttony" One of my darkest secrets with regard to my eating was secret eating and binge eating. Fearing I would never be able to overcome, I began to cry out to God. Part of His response to me, I believe was to speak life over behaviors that lead to death. I now speak with confidence and boldly tell the world that if I can overcome, you can too. By the power of the Holy Spirit that is working in us!
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength!
Proclaim it today and everyday!
Philippians 1:6
God has spoken to me so much over the years regarding my weight loss journey. Reminding me early in my journey that He would help me lose the weight once and for all. And when I did, out of obedience to His faithfulness, I would be required to share what He accomplished in my life. I remember vividly the day I knew I was to take His message to the world. A message that says, "I can do ALL things THROUGH CHRIST who gives me strength." (And that includes losing weight, and living healthy.) But I questioned God, "God, if I am to proclaim this message daily, where will I find continual scriptures that confirm that Your Word is relevant and applicable to weight loss? Friend, I asked that question in late 2008, and can I tell you that since that day, I have proclaimed every day of my life (to anyone that would listen) that my God, your God, wants to fight your battles in weight loss, and give you lasting victory. The above verse has become one of my favorite revelations to share with men and women who are struggling. It is a fresh reminder, that you did not start a diet this time. God began a work in you. A nighty work to prepare you for the next season of your life. A season filled with you doing what you always wanted to do; serving the Lord with everything that is in you. Friend, be encouraged today, be confident in this fact; He will finish what He started in you! Yes, He Will!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
You have begun a work in my life. A work I sometimes try and take credit for, and a work that I sometimes try and take over. I am grateful that even with my interference, You will finish what You started. Help me God to not just read Your Word everyday, but to embrace and believe all the wonderful truths that it holds for my life, and my weight loss. I look forward to the many victories that await me today. I know You will finish what You started. And I praise Your Holy name.
In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Yes He Will
I once heard a pastor say, "You are ONE proclamation away from God's great plan unfolding over your life." We must proclaim the truths God has spoken to us over the years. What are some proclamations you need to make regarding your health and wellness journey? Here are some of mine!
1. I proclaim that I will get to a healthy weight and feel confident in my skin: It really is true that what we speak becomes our reality. So if you say it, it will be true! Today practice proclaiming the reality you want to see in life.
2. I proclaim that I will enjoy healthy foods, not eating them only to lose weight: I don't know about you, but I have grown weary of hating the foods that are good for my body. I want to enjoy what I eat. God has answered this proclamation with such power. Trust me, I was once a girl who would stop at nothing for a large Diet Coke and fries. I am still overwhelmed to this day that I can honestly say I crave the goodness of God's garden more than man's kitchen!
3. I proclaim that this is NOT a diet, but a lifestyle: I don't want to return to my old behaviors. I want to live a lifestyle that promotes taking care of this temple. I speak that over my life daily.
4. I proclaim I will conquer secret eating and gluttony" One of my darkest secrets with regard to my eating was secret eating and binge eating. Fearing I would never be able to overcome, I began to cry out to God. Part of His response to me, I believe was to speak life over behaviors that lead to death. I now speak with confidence and boldly tell the world that if I can overcome, you can too. By the power of the Holy Spirit that is working in us!
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength!
Proclaim it today and everyday!
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey?
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Your 40 Day Miracle
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
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Your 40 Day Miracle
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
You can help us continue to bless and encourage others.
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Follow the link below to get started today!
And thank you!
We could not do this without YOU!
It's Time To Start A RevolutionThe Lord WillWin in Weight LossYou Have Been ChosenFasting Diary Day TwoFasting Diary Day ThreeFasting Diary Day FourFasting Diary Day FiveFasting Diary Day SixFasting Diary Day SevenFight 4 Your FamilyKnow His NameJust Forget ItAll Means AllI Had A RevelationHe Is Waiting To Bless YouBlessed Are Those Who BelieveI Have DiedReap in JoyIt's Just Plain SinDon't Doubt ItWon't He Do ItTo The UttermostLook Up
Never Give UpYes, It's Really PossibleCan't Touch ThisThat Doesn't Scare MeEscape RouteCome ExpectingMercy AwaitsTotal DependenceA New CreationA Special TreasureIt's A "Heart" ThingLet's Stick TogetherKeep Your ConfidenceIt's Just That SimpleWhen You PrayIf You BelieveConsult God FirstBe Strong and WorkIt's In YOUWhen God MovesFollowing The CrowdYou've Got The PowerFind Your Strength
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