Equipped4More Ministries

Deliverance is Coming

"So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey."  
Exodus 3:8a

So much about our weight loss journey can be explained through the story of the Israelites and their exodus from slavery.  The similarities are uncanny.  We want freedom from our strongholds related to food, yet at times, we'd prefer to give up and just go back to a lifestyle, that although we hated, we were comfortable with on some level.  And even though God promises to deliver us from the slavery, since we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, we often become stagnant, and fearful about continuing to move forward.  Can I tell you that what is up ahead is far better than what you left behind?  Friend, remember this; the Israelites could have entered the promised land in about 2 and 1/2 months if they would have just kept on moving forward.  But it required them to trust beyond what they could see, and to be content with the manna that God had provided for them.  Today, I encourage to ask God to help you trust in what you cannot see, and to be content with your lifestyle, realizing it is reaping rewards far beyond what you can even imagine.  Your promised land awaits!

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
My journey has been so much like the Israelites.  Forgive me for wanting to return to a lifestyle that I know You want to deliver me from.  Today, I seek the courage to keep moving forward, and I thank You for the promised land that is up ahead.  A land that flows with a healthy lifestyle.  Praise your Holy Name.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Deliverance Is Coming!
Deliverance comes by continuing to move forward.  Move forward in your weight loss this week, by committing to these time-tested and proved success strategies.

1. Drink your water:  Just do it.  It works. Quit resisting what God is telling you to do, and drink from the well of living water and filtered water.  (Or purified, or tap.  Just drink.)

2.  Journal your food:  You will never move forward while resisting the truth of your struggles,  Journaling, not only brings to light what isn't working, but it's a great indicator of what is working.  Repeat after me, "Jesus and my journal everyday, and I am sure to go, all the way!"

3.  Stay Accountable:  Weighing in weekly is your marker of progress.  Not always a great indicator of your hard work the day before, but a great indicator of overall progress (or not.). Step on the scale every week.

4.  Welcome the Holy Spirit on this journey:  The Holy Spirit is a gentleman.  He will not force himself in on your journey.  But He will lead and guide and keep you from temptation every single day if you willingly invite Him in.  He is there to help!


Debbie Van Waters - January 24th, 2024 at 10:36am

Sis. Julie you're a God send. I've lost 120lbs 38 years ago. I weigh 130 still but Im so much older now. I know what wellness and good health feels like. Sis. Julie thank you for caring about all of us guiding us through biblical truths. God wants us to seek him and wants us to be healthy. Your devotions have helped me tremendously to consecrate my life to God. Someday I'm going to visit and give you a BIG hug!! Debbie from Kansas.

Melissa Mcguire - January 24th, 2024 at 4:41pm

Thank you Julie for all your hard work 😊



