Equipped4More Ministries

The Sweet Harmony of God's Plans

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:5, 6
My husband and I often reminisce about life when the kids were younger.  I love looking back and remembering stories about our little life on Vickburg Lane.  
During a season of homeschooling, we spent so much precious time together as a family.  Time that as they grow older and spend more and more time away from home becomes even sweeter.  I'm grateful to have so many of these memories in print.  Between blogging and writing for a local paper, the history of our little family has been forever preserved and I love looking back.  Recently l came across this little gem I wrote about harmony, and apparently the fact that our life at the time wasn't sounding too harmonious.
 Here is a little clip:
"Harmony. What a beautiful word. Hearing it, gives the allusion that everything is right. Everything is working together in perfect cooperation. Making perfect sense. A beautiful harmony.  Does this sound anything like your life? Not mine.   At the moment, the only harmony I am hearing is the sound of popcorn kernels crunching underneath my feet; the remnants of four bags of varying flavors of popcorn from a science experiment gone wrong.
A partially naked three year-old is running from her brother, as she has just confiscated his batman toy. (The harmony there? Her voice! She has quite the scream.)  And my nine-year old is pounding on a keyboard downstairs and yelling because she can't get her song right and piano practice is in just over an hour. I've had about all the harmony I can stand for one day.
Yet, when I step back and really listen, it is a beautiful harmony. God has blessed me with a life I am so thankful for and have longed for, although I didn't realize it just a few short years ago.  The harmony I pictured for my life ten years ago as a newlywed did not include homeschooling.  I did not and do not have the patience for the homeschooling life.  I had big plans for my career. My degree is in Counseling and once my children were all back in school, I was headed back for my Masters Degree to change the world.  
God has different plans for us than what we think sometimes. And when we can't hear His voice, can't feel His presence, we miss out on the harmony he has planned for our lives.  But how do we hear Him? How do we find that plan?   How can we hear the harmony amidst the noise?  We seek Him and His word everyday. I have often been asked where ideas come for devotions. Yes, they do often include my own home and life experiences, but more importantly they find their meaning in scripture. The plans and promises that I find when I sit with an open Bible and an open heart, listening for God.  It's in those moments that He gives me beautiful nuggets of wisdom.  He has them for you too.  And they sound like beautiful music; a sweet harmony."

Even the fact that I journal my life through devotions is a miracle from God.  The journey of my writing began when I was asked to stand and speak on behalf of my family at my brother's funeral.  I stayed up half the night trying to find the words to say.  Never before had I found joy in writing.  Now it's therapy; a deep desire to share with the world what God speaks to my heart.  Are you looking for harmony in your life?  Are you desperate for direction and discernment?  It's there, right in your open Bible and the open arms of a loving Father.  And it sounds like sweet sweet music.

Let's Pray.
I need harmony in my life.  Most days it's full of chaos and noise.  Help me to seek You through Your word.  Provide me the nuggets of wisdom I need to make better choices and live a healthier life.  I long to live in harmony with You and those I love.  I believe You want my life to sound like sweet, sweet music.  Thank You for Your wisdom and love that You pour out on my life everyday.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,


Rest Your Way To Weight Loss

What do the following verses say about harmony?

1.  "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight."  Romans 12:16
2.  "And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."  Colossians 3:14
3. " May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus."  Romans 15:5
4.  How do you think living in harmony and unity with your brothers and sisters in Christ (and your family) could impact your health, wellness and weight loss journey?  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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