Equipped4More Ministries

Weight Loss Is Easy When You Have This

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me.  You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me."  
Psalm 137:7

"What's it gonna take for me to lose this weight?"  
Is that question looming over you today?  I've always known that there is truly only one way to do this: giving the journey to God, completely and totally.

Yet, even when trying to grasp this fact, why do so many lose, only to gain again?  The answer is unclear, but most often has to do with stressors that we for some reason, refuse to take to God.  
Emotions that we continue to cope with through eating.  
Work schedules that we choose not to see as a hinderance to our health (it's just part of who we are.)  And relationships that desperately need the hand of God, but in our disobedience we run, pridefully thinking,
"I'm fine.  I got this.  I will make it through."  
Well you might, but without the Lord leading the decisions you make and an addiction to sugar chasing you down, you are likely to end up right where you started; or worse.
Stop right now and look around you.  If you lost the weight before, you can do it again!  And you can do it for the last time.  But God must be in the middle of everything you are doing.  And He is likely to gently remind you that there are times you are leaving Him out.  God is not in the centre of your storm when you are doing the following:
 Eating emotionally at 11pm when you think no one is watching. You are totally exhausted, but you can't sleep either.  So you eat.
Eating because you deserve the cake after the day you had.  
Eating because "he, she, they" made you so upset.  (Can I tell you that stuffing your face isn't hurting "them" one bit, but it's killing you!)
I mean this when I say it.  Weight loss does not have to be hard all the time.  It  is supposed to be a cleansing of behaviors and a changing of lifestyles,  but it was never meant to be hard all the time.  God wants you to enjoy the process.  When it gets so hard you want to quit, you're fighting all wrong!
The battles you are fighting and trying to win with food, are not yours to fight.  
They belong to the Lord.
If you made it this far in this devotion, and you know this word is for you, know this.  You have been prayed for.  I prayed for God to specifically draw those to this word who needed it today.  
Be blessed, your breakthrough is coming!  And trust me, when Jesus is the plate from which you eat, weight loss really is easy!
Let’s Pray,
Dear God,
You are speaking to me today.  Lord, I have got to realize that this battle with my weight is not mine.  I fight it wrong, and I cope with my emotions wrong.  I am so grateful for daily revelations like this.  Help me to not forget this today.  I know what it's going to take for me to lose weight.  And I am ready.  Thank you for this beautiful day!
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Weight Loss Is Easy When You Have This!
It helps to have the right foods too.  These four are absolute staples in my house.  They definitely help make my journey easier!

1. PBFit Peanut butter powder.  I love this stuff!  But for some it is an acquired taste.  However, at 70 calories a serving vs.180 calories for regular peanut butter, and an excellent source of protein; if you love peanut butter, it will definitely make losing weight easier!

2. Ole Extreme Wellness Wraps.  Again, calorie counting is crucial for successful long-term weight loss.  These low-carb beauties are only 50 calories, and a perfect staple for a wrap at breakfast, lunch or dinner!

3. Almond milk.  Perfect for baking, cereal and oatmeal!  I always keep a carton of almond or cashew milk in the fridge.  Adds very few calories and perfect for those who choose, or need to be dairy free!

4. Individual frozen chicken breasts.  Perfect for portion control, versatile and a great source of protein.  I usually grill or bake several at the beginning of the week.  Cut some into strips, and I am set for lunches and dinners all week long!

Remember, if it's too complicated, you will NEVER stick to it.  Keep it simple. Keep Jesus in the middle and it will be so easy to lose this weight and keep it off!


Debbie Gallimore - September 2nd, 2024 at 7:41pm

I need prayers I've tried to Diet and eat healthy. I'm taking medications that are causing me to gain weight I've never had a weight problem until I started having hormone problems and now I can't loose any weight because of it. Please advise me thank you

Krystle Marriott - September 2nd, 2024 at 8:58pm

What a great devotional. Very timely for me.☺️❤️

Julie - September 3rd, 2024 at 9:48am

Thanks for reading Krystie! We are so thankful God has blessed you through Julie's devotions. We pray and believe He will continue to speak life and wisdom over your wellness journey!



