Find Your Strength
But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God."
1 Samuel 30:6b
If I were completely honest, I would have to admit that sometimes I feel weak in my weight loss journey. Too weak to make healthy decisions. Too weary to go to the store. And certainly too tired to cook. Sound familiar? All too often weariness is followed up by a "giving up" of sorts. We give up and call for take-out, or find ourselves in the drive-thru line. Even worse, we completely give up and just curl up on the couch with a carton of ice cream and a bag of Doritos. What's interesting is that even in the moments of gorging on ice cream and Doritos, most of us are fully aware that guilt and shame will soon follow. However, we are "too worn out" to care about that either. We find a temporary (very temporary) satisfaction, and strength in the food. Friend, the Bible is very clear about where our lasting strength comes from; the Lord. Not only that, but we are to seek Him with everything that is in us. A fact that we must come to terms with on this journey is that whenever we are seeking food outside of hunger and nourishment, we are searching for a satisfaction and/or "strength," from food that only God can truly provide. We may never clearly understand our flesh, but one thing is certain, if we will cry out to God in moments of weakness (instead of running to the fridge/freezer/pantry) we, like David will find our strength in the Lord. The next time you are feeling too weary and worn down to care about weight loss, cry out and pray this prayer below, and watch as God not only strengthens you for the battle, but gives you Victory over the enemy!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I don't want to give up anymore. I know I will make mistakes, but I am desperate to find my strength in You for this journey. Be with me today, and everyday. God, remind me of where my help comes from. Give me the strength I need when I am weak. Thank You for being my Savior in life, and in weight loss. I will always give You glory and praise.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Don't forget to incorporate the E4M Daily Strategy
Find Your Strength
How can we cry out to God and find strength in weight loss?
Here are few times I've learned to cry out:
1. When I am stressed: The trivial stressors of the day often lead me to the pantry, looking for relief. If I am aware that my day might get stressful, I can cry out to God for help.
2. When I am tired: Feeling weary, worn down and just plain tired often causes me to want to snack. Knowing this I can cry out to God to lead me to gain my strength from Him, and not chips.
3. When I am bored: Boredom almost always equated snacking for me in the past. I have learned that living a life fulfilling my Kingdom purpose on earth, should never be boring. If I am bored, I can find excitement in the Word.
4. When I am mad at someone: "I'll show you, I'll hurt me." That's just what I'm doing when I allow my feelings of anger toward someone else to lead me to eating. Don't do that anymore. Take your feelings to the Lord. Allow Him to heal your heart!
When you find your strength in the Lord, you will find your ability to lose this weight for the very last time!
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey?
Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
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Your 40 Day Miracle
1 Samuel 30:6b
If I were completely honest, I would have to admit that sometimes I feel weak in my weight loss journey. Too weak to make healthy decisions. Too weary to go to the store. And certainly too tired to cook. Sound familiar? All too often weariness is followed up by a "giving up" of sorts. We give up and call for take-out, or find ourselves in the drive-thru line. Even worse, we completely give up and just curl up on the couch with a carton of ice cream and a bag of Doritos. What's interesting is that even in the moments of gorging on ice cream and Doritos, most of us are fully aware that guilt and shame will soon follow. However, we are "too worn out" to care about that either. We find a temporary (very temporary) satisfaction, and strength in the food. Friend, the Bible is very clear about where our lasting strength comes from; the Lord. Not only that, but we are to seek Him with everything that is in us. A fact that we must come to terms with on this journey is that whenever we are seeking food outside of hunger and nourishment, we are searching for a satisfaction and/or "strength," from food that only God can truly provide. We may never clearly understand our flesh, but one thing is certain, if we will cry out to God in moments of weakness (instead of running to the fridge/freezer/pantry) we, like David will find our strength in the Lord. The next time you are feeling too weary and worn down to care about weight loss, cry out and pray this prayer below, and watch as God not only strengthens you for the battle, but gives you Victory over the enemy!
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I don't want to give up anymore. I know I will make mistakes, but I am desperate to find my strength in You for this journey. Be with me today, and everyday. God, remind me of where my help comes from. Give me the strength I need when I am weak. Thank You for being my Savior in life, and in weight loss. I will always give You glory and praise.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,
Don't forget to incorporate the E4M Daily Strategy
Find Your Strength
How can we cry out to God and find strength in weight loss?
Here are few times I've learned to cry out:
1. When I am stressed: The trivial stressors of the day often lead me to the pantry, looking for relief. If I am aware that my day might get stressful, I can cry out to God for help.
2. When I am tired: Feeling weary, worn down and just plain tired often causes me to want to snack. Knowing this I can cry out to God to lead me to gain my strength from Him, and not chips.
3. When I am bored: Boredom almost always equated snacking for me in the past. I have learned that living a life fulfilling my Kingdom purpose on earth, should never be boring. If I am bored, I can find excitement in the Word.
4. When I am mad at someone: "I'll show you, I'll hurt me." That's just what I'm doing when I allow my feelings of anger toward someone else to lead me to eating. Don't do that anymore. Take your feelings to the Lord. Allow Him to heal your heart!
When you find your strength in the Lord, you will find your ability to lose this weight for the very last time!
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey?
Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
Follow the link to get yours today!
Your 40 Day Miracle
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Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
"God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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It's Time To Start A RevolutionThe Lord WillWin in Weight LossYou Have Been ChosenFasting Diary Day TwoFasting Diary Day ThreeFasting Diary Day FourFasting Diary Day FiveFasting Diary Day SixFasting Diary Day SevenFight 4 Your FamilyKnow His NameJust Forget ItAll Means AllI Had A RevelationHe Is Waiting To Bless YouBlessed Are Those Who BelieveI Have DiedReap in JoyIt's Just Plain SinDon't Doubt ItWon't He Do ItTo The UttermostLook Up
Never Give UpYes, It's Really PossibleCan't Touch ThisThat Doesn't Scare MeEscape RouteCome ExpectingMercy AwaitsTotal DependenceA New CreationA Special TreasureIt's A "Heart" ThingLet's Stick TogetherKeep Your ConfidenceIt's Just That SimpleWhen You PrayIf You BelieveConsult God FirstBe Strong and WorkIt's In YOUWhen God MovesFollowing The CrowdYou've Got The PowerFind Your Strength
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