Equipped4More Ministries

Your Breakthrough IS Coming

"To give light to those who sit in darkness
and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
Luke 1:79

For many years, an old cliche has surfaced at various times in my life. I’ve often heard it when things don’t quite seem to be going my way.  
It was penned by a theologian, and the original saying goes like this
“It is always darkest just before the day dawneth.”
–  Thomas Fuller

Flashback to one of the earliest recollections of my experience with this cliche.  I was a senior in college, working at a nearby Applebee’s restaurant.  I was working a closing shift one evening.  It was late, and I was tired.  I was working as a server, and I remember this particular night was not so great in terms of tips.   I had a paper due early the next morning, and let’s just say, I was as good at procrastinating back then as I am now.  And like many girls at that age, there was the constant question looming over my head,
“Will I ever meet Mr. Right?”  

I remember nearing the end of my shift, and just struggling not to burst out into tears.  I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  No graduation in sight.  No wedding in sight.  Very little money in my pocket (literally.)  

I was taking out the trash when my manager at the time picked up on the unusual silence from his otherwise very talkative employee.  He followed me outside, and shared a bit of wisdom that I needed so desperately at the time.  As I poured out my very real fears for a young girl at the time, he said
“You know what I have always found in my life?  It’s always darkest right before the dawn.”  
Was it a cliche? Yes.  
Was it the truth? Yes!

Many years have passed since that conversation beside the dumpster.
 I graduated.  I now have a little money in my pocket.  
And yes, I found my Mr. Right.  
To which God so graciously added three wonderful children and twenty plus years of marriage.  

But you know what?  That cliche has found it’s way into my life over and over again throughout the years, and I even find myself sharing it with my kiddos.

 It truly is literally and figuratively ALWAYS darkest right before the dawn.  But you know what else is true?  
Breakthroughs are ALWAYS on the horizon right when we feel like giving up!  

Friend, your breakthrough will come directly behind the battle that threatens to push you over the edge.  

Satan is terrified of the breakthroughs of believers.  Why?  Because breakthroughs signify FOREVER change and transformation.  
Not just a temporary shift.  
So often, people give up right before their breakthrough.  Why?  Because just like that little college girl all those years ago, you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.  But it’s there.  Make no mistake.

If you are ready to give up on a loved one, or even give up on your own personal goals, and dreams, stop right now.  Hear me on this.  Your breakthrough is right around the corner.  
Keep moving.  
Keep praying.  
Keep pushing.  
Keep pressing.

I promise there is a light at the end of your tunnel.

Side note:  Just a few short weeks after that conversation with my manager beside the dumpster, I registered for classes for the upcoming semester, and something wonderful happened.  It was then that I learned I would be graduating in just two and a half short semesters.  
There it was!  The light at the end of the tunnel!

Let’s pray:

Dear God,
Thank you for showing me that my breakthrough is coming.  I will not give up this time.  I won’t give up on my family, and I won’t give up on my weight loss journey.  I know Satan is trying to make me quit.  God, today I walk in obedience to you and fully believe that there is a bright light shining at the end of this tunnel I am walking through!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Your Breakthrough Is Coming
Implement this 4 part strategy to show the devil you are not giving up this time, because you know your breakthrough is coming!

Spend time with God:  We need to be in constant conversation with God to discern His plans for our life and grow in His wisdom.  Do you need to spend more dedicated time just talking with God?

Reading and Meditate on the Word:  Prayer time and reading the Word are two separate things.  Be sure to incorporate both into your daily routine for the best results in this life.  Schedule time away from social media and redirect it back to reading the Word of God.  Trust me. You will feel better about your life!

Pray for others:  Often when we don’t see the results we are seeking we stop praying.  The Bible instructs us to “Pray without ceasing.”  If God hasn’t answered, don’t stop praying!

Pray for yourself:  Don’t forget the importance of praying for yourself on this journey.  In order for you to be your best for others, you must be your best!  Place yourself at the top of your prayer list.  It’s truly the most selfless thing you can do today!

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