Equipped4More Ministries

You Are An Overcomer

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."  
Revelation 12:11

I have to admit, it took me a long time to get really bold about the power of God in weight loss.  Equipped4More was founded out of a promise I made to God to testify to the world about how He had saved me from myself, aiding me in finally losing the weight I had been battling for as long as I could remember.  But to be very honest with you, for years, I continued to fall victim to satan's relentless lies that  taunted me saying, "That won't work for other people.  There are better, easier, and faster ways."  Can I tell you precious friend, if I could shout from the mountaintops at this point about the supernatural power of God in weight loss I would.  I have traveled this road long enough to know that EVERY TIME someone insists on relying on their willpower, or Keto, or whatever other popular weight loss plan arises,  the results are ALWAYS temporary.  Please don't misunderstand, a good meal plan is key, but God is, and will alway be the "missing link," and the "secret" to successful weight loss for life.  Friend, you are an overcomer in weight loss, just like I have been.  But you will never overcome in a meal plan. You will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony.  Will you testify with me in this prayer of praise?

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I am an overcomer!  I want to shout it out.  I will always need You to be at the forefront of this journey for me to find lasting success.  Please help me daily to refute, and reject the lies satan tries to tell me about finding a faster, easier, and simpler way.  God when You are leading and guiding me, everything works out for my good, and Your glory.  Help me to remember that day by day! I love You and give you all the glory, honor, and praise!
Inn the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

You Are An Overcomer
To truly embrace the fact that you are an overcomer in weight loss, you must boldly claim a few truths.  I want to encourage you to speak these promises over your weight loss journey right now.

1. Satan is a liar: Satan is the ONLY one who tries to tell me I can't do this.  No longer will I believe that lie.  I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength!

2. God's plan for my life includes me living at a healthy weight:  I am at my best for myself, my family, and God when I am confident in my skin.  His Word says, His plans for me are for good.  And for a future and a hope!
3. This is not about me; It's about Him: My mission on this earth is to bring glory to God in EVERYTHING that I do.  And that includes what I feed my body.  My health and wellness journey is not about me, it's about God!

4. I have a weight loss testimony to share: I will tell the world how God freed me from my strongholds with food.  Starting today.  I may not be where I want to be, but I am a long way from where I've been.  I now know the truth about weight loss, and the truth has made me FREE!

Repeat after me:  
Are you ready for a daily revelation from the Lord in your wellness journey?
Grab Julie's devotional and get your 40 Day Miracle!
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Your 40 Day Miracle 
I pray our devotions ignite and inspire something deep within you! The mission of Equipped4More is to spread the hope of Christ around the world!
 Encouraging and exhorting everyone with this truth;
 "God, I can't. But YOU can!"
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