Equipped4More Ministries

You Say.....HE Says

The Word of God is a powerful tool the battle of weight loss.  Understanding that your struggles with food always have an underlying issue and that you run to food to find healing, comfort and stress relief can aide you in realizing that the lasting answers to your struggles will never be found in food, but in the Word of God.  

I often use the following scriptures to motivate and inspire those struggling with their weight, but today I encourage you to embrace them for other areas of your life too.
 The following is a "You Say, He Says" challenge  to help you better understand that God has an answer for every struggle and stronghold you come up against.
 Be blessed today to transform what you say into what God says.
When you say,
 "This is impossible. I can't do it anymore."
(referring to anything you are struggling with:  Kids, weight, job, marriage.)
 God says,
"What is impossible with man, is possible with God." Luke 18:27
You CAN'T do it.  But that's o.k. because God CAN!

When you say,
"I'm so tired."
(Tired of the struggles of life and losing weight.)
God says,
"Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28-30

You were never meant to do it alone.  Find rest at the feet of Jesus.

When you say,
"I don't feel loved. I don't think anyone really cares or understands me."
God says,
"By this may you know love. That Christ laid down his life for you."
1 John 3:16

You are never alone and you will never be forsaken.

When you say,
"I don't know how this could ever work!"
God says,
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight."
Philippians 4:13

It's not your job to figure out the "when's and how's" just to trust.

When you say,
"It's not worth it!"
God says,
And for those who love the Lord, all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose."
 Romans 8:28

If it's His plan, it will ALWAYS be worth the work.

God has the answer for all your questions and the solutions to every problem. Trust Him.  It may not seem logical, it may not seem like it's working and quite frankly you may not even care right now.  But what is the alternative? As a child of God, you have been called according to His purpose.  In order to live out that purpose you desperately need to be healthy and you have been instructed to trust.  
Even when it doesn't seem rational.
 Even when you don't feel like it.  
Your testimony and character are being worked out in the midst of your heartache.  
Don't give up now.  
Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn!  
Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I have used every one of these statements at one time or another.  I am in the midst of struggling with several of them in this moment.  God help me to see what You say about my life and my situations.  I know Satan is constantly trying to distract and deter me from staying on the path that You have set before me.  Be with me today.  Guide my decisions, and help me God to seek You and not food.  I give You all the glory, honor and praise.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,

You Say, He Says
Too often we say, "I don't like that!" Referencing the many foods that can help fight disease, and boost weight loss.  Be encouraged to try the following foods this week.  Created by God and designed to keep you healthy and losing weight.
1.  Brussel Sprouts- It’s easy to hate these mini-cabbages without even trying them. However their enormous health benefits should encourage you to research a recipe or two and try them out.  Try FALL HARVEST from our very own E4M Test Kitchen: (recipe linked below) Chef Natalie created this colorful side dish, proving foods that are good for you can be delicious too!
Health Benefits:  Very high in fiber and protein, it can be a filling but low-calorie side dish. Scientists also believe the vegetable may protect against cancer because it’s rich in indole—a phytochemical—and vitamin C.

2. Turnips- This purple root may not look appetizing at first, but it is full of weight loss benefits.
Health Benefits:  Turnips are a strong source of vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, manganese, pantothenic acid, and copper; plus they contain thiamine, potassium, niacin, and magnesium. They’re starchy like potatoes, but with one-third the calories.

3.  Beets-  Beets may look like slices of canned cranberry jelly, but they're sweeter and more nutritious.  Canned beets even make a cheap, quick, healthy snack by themselves.
Health Benefits:  High in carbohydrates, they’re a quick energy source without the crash you get from processed carbs. Beets are a good source of magnesium, calcium, iron, and niacin, as well as vitamins A and C. Studies also show they reduce the risk of certain cancers.

4.  Eggplant-  Eggplant has a bold and rich butter flavor.  The spongy texture is hard to get past for some, but grilled eggplant is a buttery delight.
Health benefits:  It has much of the same laundry list of nutrients these other vegetables have offered including fiber, folate, niacin, etc. On top of that, eggplant is a great source of an antioxidant called phytonutrients including the potent antioxidant called nasunin, which prevents the damage of cell membranes.

Give the foods God created a chance this week.  Be transformed by the renewing of your mind to develop a new perspective about food and nutrition.  And watch the weight fall off naturally!

??Try this delicious Fall treat from our E4M Kitchen, implementing some of God's best foods!??
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