Equipped4More Ministries

Don't Answer

"Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
Matthew 16:23

Satan came knocking at my heart's door early this morning.  Long before it was time for me to get up, I lay in bed trying to fall back to sleep.  Yet, I could faintly hear the knocking, and the sound of his voice.  
"You may as well give up.  You failed yesterday.  You can't do this.  Things are not going to get any better." 
With each taunting phrase, the knocking became louder, and my heart began to pound.  I could tell that he was trying to beat me down, before I even got up.  Thoughts of fear regarding so many things began to swirl in my head.  The heaviness became unbearable.
  All at once, I felt a gentle voice whisper,
"Pray.  Don't just lay there and take this, pray. I will answer you, if you just pray!" 

Immediately I began,

 "God, I wanted to partner with you, and I still do.  It gets so hard sometimes.  I take one step forward and two steps back.  How can I get ahead?  Help me Lord!"

Friend, that was me.  Just last night.  And can I tell you, He did answer! And He came to my aid, providing a peace, and a motivation to get up and face my day, like I haven't experienced in some time.
  Our daily struggles may differ, but the tactic of satan, and the battle plan with which we must combat him is the same.  Especially in a wellness journey.   Satan will taunt you and tell you this is too hard.  You should find an easier, and faster way.  You can't do it anyway, so you may as well give up.  
I want to encourage you today.  You do NOT have to take that from him.  Stop right here and start praying if that is what you need to do.  God did not bring you this far for you to quit before you meet all your health and wellness goals.  Embrace this truth above all else;  Satan is the only one behind your struggles with every stronghold you face; even eating!  It's not your job, family, friends, or life situation.  
It. Is. Satan! 
And you must stop fighting against the flesh, and start fighting your real enemy; Satan.  He comes when you are vulnerable; tired, bored, scared, angry.  And He leads you away from the Father, to food.  I encourage you today, when you hear him knocking at your heart's door,
Just pray.

Dear God,
So many times in my life Satan has come knocking.  Your Word says, that he comes to kill, steal, and destroy.  And so often, I have allowed him to ruin my day with thoughts, fears, and anxieties, never taking them to you like I should, but running straight to food.  From this day forward I am committed to locking him out of my heart and head.  No more will I answer when he begins to knock.  I will run straight into your arms, knowing that you will take care of all my needs according to your riches in glory!  I praise your holy name!
In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I pray,



