Equipped4More Ministries

It's Still Gonna Happen

"But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one."  
2 Thessalonians 3:3

Seasons of feeling out of control in life and in our health and wellness journey can promote debilitating fear and anxiety.  Especially for those who love the quiet flow of their day-to-day life and are comfortable with knowing what to expect each day.  Structure is a word that brings peace and comfort.  While change and the unknown evoke churning in your stomach!

 Seeking out scriptures that speak life into your daily walk is so powerful in times when you feel like the direction of your life (or the life of a loved one) is out of your control.  The above verse is a beautiful reminder that during times of uncertainty and change, God is still faithful, and He is still moving in your wellness journey, and in your life.

A season of unknowing and feeling out of control is NOT the time to put health and wellness on the back burner, or move it down three notches the list of your priorities.  Whether or not you think it's important for you, someone in your life needs you to be healthy. Could be someone at work; in your close circle of friends; in church.  And definitely in your home!  You move to a new level of confidence and boldness when you are healthy, and you certainly reduce your risk of contracting more serious illnesses.  If anything, when life feels out of control, your weight loss journey should move up further on your list of priorities.  

Make no mistake, satan will try to distract you with chocolate, and chips as you watch the news, scroll through social media, catch glimpses of unwanted headlines, and navigate scary changes in your life and with your family.  It is a trick, don't fall for it.  God has placed you here to get prepared.  Each and everyday, He is providing Words of wisdom, and direction that will catapult you to new levels in your relationship with Him and in wellness.  He is faithful,  and you WILL lose the weight. You will live healthy.  He will move in the lives of your loved ones! Yes!  

It's still gonna happen!

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
It's still gonna happen!  Even in the midst of chaos all around, You have reminded me that I will conquer this battle once and for all.  I needed this refreshing encouragement today.  God, satan wants me to think that I am being selfish when I focus on my weight loss journey when life around me seems so crazy.  Thank You for reminding me that I am doing this to be better for the ones I love the most!  I will commit to keeping my wellness goals at the very top of my priority list.  I praise Your Holy name today.
In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,



