Equipped4More Ministries

A Special Treasure

"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine."
 Exodus 19:5

Tucked away in our basement are special treasures from our past.  From momentos on our wedding day, to family photo albums, to stuffed animals our kiddos slept with as small children.  I often like to get them out and reminisce about our past, remembering the special times and different seasons of life.  I cherish my family and those memories so dearly.  

Reminiscing like this often gives me pause when I stop to think that I am a "special treasure" to God.  He cherishes me like I cherish my family.  Moreso, even.  What an overwhelming fact. To know that He cherishes us to the point that He would allow His Son to die, so that we could live.  If you ponder on this long enough, you realize obedience to Him should never be an issue.  How could we not be obedient to a Father who loves us so much, that He would allow His one and only Son to suffer and die, to save us from our sins?
Friend, I truly pray today that the realization that you are a Special Treasure to God, gives you the desire, motivation, and courage to walk in complete obedience on your weight loss journey.  Knowing that you are cherished above all the earth.

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
You have called me a "special treasure."  What a blessing to be so loved.  God, I want to honor You in my weight loss journey today.  Help me to consider everything You say about me when I go to make decisions regarding what, when, and how much I eat.  God I thank You for cherishing me.  I too, cherish You.
In  the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray,



