Are You Prepared?
"But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps."
Matthew 25:4
Being prepared. There is constant conversation about the topic of preparedness. Whether discussing preparation for a vacation, wedding, moving a kiddo off to college (can you tell what season of life I am in right now?)
But the Bible talks about being prepared too. One of the many stories I remember hearing in Sunday School as a little girl, was the parable of the 10 Virgins. Five of them were prepared for the bridegroom, and five of them were not. Thus the unprepared virgins were not able to attend the wedding feast.
(As child, my little mind saw this as so sad. Nobody wants to miss a beautiful wedding.50 20 20 20 20 Recent
Matthew 25:4
Being prepared. There is constant conversation about the topic of preparedness. Whether discussing preparation for a vacation, wedding, moving a kiddo off to college (can you tell what season of life I am in right now?)
But the Bible talks about being prepared too. One of the many stories I remember hearing in Sunday School as a little girl, was the parable of the 10 Virgins. Five of them were prepared for the bridegroom, and five of them were not. Thus the unprepared virgins were not able to attend the wedding feast.
(As child, my little mind saw this as so sad. Nobody wants to miss a beautiful wedding.
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