Equipped4More Ministries

That Still Small Voice

That Still Small Voice

“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?"
Luke 6:46

A weight loss journey is full of daily decisions.  Resisting, or giving in.  Staying strong, or "caving."  Sometimes in my journey, I have felt the Lord speaking the above verse directly over me.  It's as if He were saying, "Julie, you asked me to help you.  Why do you refuse to listen to my direction?"

Friends, we cannot expect God to move miraculously in our weight loss journey if we constantly disregard that "still small voice."  The one that gently asks, "Do you really need another cookie"  Or, "Are you going to drink that soda before you get your water in?"  

Sweet friend, as we desire daily to trust God for complete success, let us remember, that He is providing instruction daily.  It's up to us, to listen to "that still small voice" and follow.

Let's Pray.
Dear God,
I have asked You into this journey, and I know You are here.  Please help me to follow Your lead as You guide me to success.  Help me to say no to the extra cookie, and be sure to drink my water.  God I will never fail to give You all the glory, honor, and praise for my success!
In Jesus name,
That Still Small Voice
Listen for the Still Small Voice of God today on your weight loss journey.  On the lines below, share the different times you have heard Him speak, but disregarded His leading.  Pray and ask God to soften your heart and mind to His great and mighty plans to change your weight loss journey forever!

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