Equipped4More Ministries

PRAYER is the foundation, PRAISE is the Weapon

Laying in bed in the wee hours of the morning, and I had so many situations on my heart.  Concerns for the current struggles of my adult children, all varying but battles nonetheless. The health of family and friends, prayer requests and needs of E4M family members, impending deadlines, and so much more.  A routine morning before getting out of bed for me if I'm being honest.  More than likely the same for so many, I thought.
As I began my morning conversation with God, a phrase began to swirl in my mind,
                                  "Prayer is your foundation, but PRAISE is your weapon!"  
How true this is, I thought. Prayer is the foundation I stand on.  It keeps me going.  It keeps me from sinking into a pit of despair.  And it is prayer that gets me through.  BUT, praise is my weapon by which I fight!  It's the sword I must begin to carry day and night.  Praise will defeat the enemy and cause him to flee. And it will be PRAISE that paves the way for my ultimate victory!  I decided to ponder on this throughout my prayer and study time.  More thoughts, more phrases came. Feverishly I began to write in my journal.  I'm quite sure in all my years of writing devotions, this is the first time God has led my pen in poetic form to speak an inspirational word. (Not likely to win a Pulitzer Prize, but I pray it blesses and speaks to your heart :-)

Praise and praise alone declares my battle won
Praise and praise alone calls this battle done!
Praise and praise alone allows me to find joy
Praise and praise alone, the enemy it will destroy!

Praise Him with me, let's praise Him together
For He alone is worthy, He alone is God!
Praise Him, let's praise Him together
I know, our prayers He will answer!

Praise Him, Praise Him with me
Praise Him, Don't stop now!
Praise Him, Praise Him with me
Praise Him, and on our knees let's bow!

We'll bow before our Heavenly Father
We'll bow before our King
We'll bow before our Mighty God
His praises we will sing!

He inhabits the praises of His people
And His presence we do crave
Sing His praises with me
So that all the world will rave

Our God, He is an awesome God
He is mighty to save
Praise Him, Praise Him with me
Let's ALL receive our VICTORY

Post poem writing, I decided to do a little more research on this word praise and what it means for us as Christians.  The word praise has several meanings:
*It's a joyful recounting of what God has done for us
*It calls attention to His glory
*It promotes a growing reverence for who God is.  Learning to truly reverence God is what imparts true wisdom for you and me.  And when we have true wisdom about who God really is, we can fully trust that He will do what He said He would do.  HE WILL ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS!

Wow! This is powerful stuff.  How many of us are just barely clinging to the surface, on the verge of despair, but "just getting through?"  I don't know about you, but I'm growing weary of just getting through.  I need a lasting victory shout today.  I need it more now than ever.  If that sounds like you, let me share what taking a minute to praise God will do for you today!

What will praise REALLY do for you today?

*It will facilitate a clear path to God's presence Praising God in the midst of your current situation will clear the fog, and remove the negativity in your mind, allowing direct access for God to speak to your heart!

*It will clear out a place for Him in your heart  The Bible says, "He inhabits the praises of His people." Psalm 22:3. In her book Extravagant Worship, author Darlene Zschech says, "Our praise is irresistible to God.  As soon as He hears us call His name, He is ready to answer us."  

*It's effective in fighting all spiritual warfare  Sometimes, we don't know what we are up against.  And fighting the wrong battle is a surefire way to lose.  But God always knows what battle you are facing and simply praising Him for your victory confuses the enemy and gives God glory!  You can't lose when you praise!

*It shows your desire to be obedient The Bible directs us to praise God, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Psalm 150:6. The directives found in the Word of God are personal to me.  So if I desire to be obedient and follow after God, if I have breath, I will praise the Lord! It is my hearts desire to please the Lord.  Obedience brings blessings!

Friend, He is so worthy.  No matter the battle, no matter your current vantage point.  You serve a God who doesn't lose.  So what are you waiting for?  Start praising Him with me now!  

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