Equipped4More Ministries

Present Your Body As A Temple

What does it mean for me to present my body as a temple?
Reading through the Old Testament can be confusing.  Trying to understand the relevance of all the explicit instructions for the building of the temple, sacrifices, etc. can be overwhelming.  Reading through the book of Leviticus we see God instructing Moses regarding burnt offerings, and using phrases like "unblemished" and "pleasing aroma".  Even with the grain offering, God instructs the Israelites to use "fine flour mixed with frankincense". Once again reiterating that the fire will offer a "pleasing aroma unto the Lord".  
Fast forward to the New Testament and we are instructed in Romans 12:1
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service".
What does this even mean?  We must understand that our God is a god of order, holiness and purity.  And His desire for us is the same.  God knew that for the Israelites to possess the land that He had promised they had to be set apart, holy, and fully devoted to Him.
That's His desire for you and I today.  He has promised us so much.  But with sin, tainted lives, and strongholds with food and emotions, we are often unable to fully grasp the promises that lie ahead for those who are fully devoted to Him.  God knows you cannot walk this journey of consecration on your own, that's why the scripture says, "by the mercies of God".  Friend, be encouraged today!  God's mercies are new for you. Every day.  Fresh, waiting for you to reach out for them.  He has called you to present your body as a living sacrifice.  And, a sacrifice by definition is an offering.  When we offer up something we offer our best.  What does that look like?  
Today, try the following.  Offer up your very best in these four areas:
1.  Offer up your best PRAISE- He is worthy to be praised.  Offer up your best Hallelujah!
2. Offer up your best PRAYER-  He promised to hear and answer the prayers of the faithful.  Go boldly before the throne of grace.  Expect Him to answer and give you the desires of your heart!
3.  Offer up your best LOVE-  The Bible says, He is love.  And where He is, there is love.  If God lives in you, shouldn't the atmosphere around you be filled with His love?
4.  Offer up your best YOU- The journey to living healthier is a daunting one.  Filled with temptation, struggles and strongholds.  Yet the Bible says it is our 'reasonable service' to offer up our bodies as a 'living sacrifice'.  
Just as God required the best from the Israelites, He requires our best too.  Engage in your journey today by realising, it's not about you, it's about your sacrifice to God.

Join our E4M family as we journey together.  Day by day, inspiring wellness. IN EVERYONE!

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