Equipped4More Ministries

My 4 Fave Ways to Show ❤️ Without Calories!

We're all looking for that special something for our Valentine!  But when you're on a health and wellness journey, the thought of having additional chocolate or candy lying around for several days can be stressful.  And let's face it.  Even our kiddos don't need the added sugar in their diets from a super sized Hershey Kiss or Valentine box full of chocolates.  
I haven't been an overnight success story of eliminating chocolate and added sugars from our Valentine baskets, but I have grown more intentional about seeking out gifts that not only relieve my anxiety about adding dangerous amounts of sugar into the diets of my hubby and kiddos, but have also added sentimental value and lasting messages of heartfelt love for those in my life.  
So I thought I'd share with you My 4 Fave Valentine Ideas that won't add extra calories or sugar to your loved ones lives (Not to mention, they're easy on the budge too!). I hope you find one or two that bring joy to your special Valentine this year!
  • FLOWERS: They're my all time fave and they just keep giving.  Flowers just do something to a room and for a heart.  I love to give them to all my special Valentines!
Frugal Tip:  I can almost always pick up a cute and colorful vase at the local Dollar Tree to add a special accent to the flowers.  My fave places to pick up flowers?  Trader Joe's and Aldi!
  • LETTERS:  I love to write, so this one is special for me.  But don't worry if you don't feel like a writer, you can do this!  Over the years, I have realised it's not the length of the message, just the heart of what is said.  And that's where it comes from, the heart.  Especially on Valentine's Day, most of us are thinking about who we love and why.  What better time to get that down on paper.  Grab a card, and simply answer the following questions to create a love letter for that special someone that will truly melt their heart!
    • Why do you care so deeply about this person?
    • What character traits do they have that you love? (kindness, empathy, loyalty, humour)
    • What is one thing they have done recently that makes you love them more?
    • What do you hope for them in the future?
Simply writing the replies to those questions are sure to create a special Valentine gift your loved one will not soon forget!
  • JOURNALS/BIBLES: As my kids were growing up, journals and bibles always became a staple gift.  I encouraged my children to take notes during church, write down their prayer requests so that they can see as God answers them, take the Word with them wherever they go, and write down Bible verses to help install a life-long love and learning of the Word.  That being said, one can never have enough Bibles or journals.  
  • TIME: This is definitely a fave for me.  Whether it's my children, my husband, my parents, or a close friend.  Spending quality one-on-one time with the ones you love is a priceless, and much underestimated gift.  This Valentine's Day, instead of spending endless hours shopping for chocolate and candy, share a few hours doing something your loved one would enjoy!  
Do you have a teen daughter?  Go grab a pedicure together!  
A hubby that loves cars?  Grab tickets to the next car show for just you and him.  
A son that loves sports?  Spend a Saturday afternoon watching the game with him.  
Time together is time well spent!  
As for me?  My next goal is to schedule a monthly prayer meeting for our whole family.  Time together where we can pray, praise, seek the face of God and grow inimtately with Him and each other!  I may just write everyone a letter to invite them!  And when they show up?  I'll have a vase full of beautiful flowers and a new journal for everyone to begin writing down the precious promises of God!
❤️Happy Valentines Day!❤️

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