Equipped4More Ministries

My 4 Fave Scriptures for Fighting and Winning in Weight Loss!

Have you ever wondered if God has anything to say about weight loss?  You’ve struggled for so long, and you know that God has so much to say about healing, loving others, and our faith in Him, but His Word must stop short of  our struggles with eating and our weight.  After all, this is a battle of  willpower and personal motivation right?  Read on, sweet friend!  God has so much to say to you about your weight loss.  His Word is full of encouragement and motivation.  Be blessed!  You no longer have to fight this battle on your own!  He is here and below are 4 of my favorite weapons for fighting and winning in weight loss!

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Friend, God is a God that never leaves us, nor forsakes us.  Even on a weight loss journey! When you feel lost or alone, with no one to turn to, remember He is here to guide and strengthen you.  Be strong, and courageous friend, with God on our side, even in weight loss, we win!

“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
When you find yourself worrying about your weight loss journey, fearing how you might succeed, or dealing with guilt regarding what you just ate, remember what Peter says, Cast ALL your anxieties on Him!  He cares for you!  And He wants you to live free of fear and worry.  Even in weight loss!

“No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life.  Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.”  Joshua 1:5
No one can stop what God has started in you.  Friend, you have been called and appointed by God.  He brought you this far, He will continue to walk alongside you and see you through to success!

“I know that you can do all things, and that no plan of yours can be thwarted.”  Job 42:2
Friend, when God puts a plan in place NOTHING, AND NO ONE can stop it.  Keep moving forward in God’s plan for your health, wellness, and weight loss.  His plan for you cannot be stopped!  Your weight loss journey is part of His plan for your purpose in His kingdom.  No one can stop the plans of God!

Below is a prayer implementing the above scriptures.  Will you pray this prayer with me, and begin today to expect a mighty move of God in your weight loss journey!

Dear Jesus,
I know you have called me to be strong and courageous, and I commit to moving forward without fear, knowing You will never leave me or forsake me on this journey toward health, wellness, and weight loss.  Today, I boldly come before You and cast all my worries on You. I thank you for caring for me enough to help me each and everyday to be successful. I know you are with me and I believe that Your plans for me cannot be stopped.  Because of You Father, I am UNSTOPPABLE in m weigh loss journey.  I love You!

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